Requesting to join TrueBornGaming

"Admin access, reserve slot, ability to vote for other membership and private forums access"

What if we don't want admin access, or reserve slot? I can somewhat see voting/private forum access being nice. What sort of stuff is in there?
This isn't a business transaction, you are not really "paying" to get X services/perks

As you can see our goal every month is high. We run quality servers, website, TS and other services running in the background. We all pitch in what we can every month to help meet our goal.

Surpassing our goal allows us to save and invest in expansion or taking on new projects/new ventures.

Just note that donation is simply helping our cause, it's something we all do, we are tight knit group and we all play a role within the community.
We understand if you go through times where you are unable to donate here and there; we do not hold that against anyone.

Is there something available like you suggested? Unfortunately, not at this time but the feedback is appreciated, I will bring this up in the next monthly head admin meeting and then the next community meeting for final voting when and if we lay out a plan similar to what you suggested.
Yeah I understand. I appreciate you guys even considering my suggestions. I'll probably get on TS3 sometime this week and play something with you guys.