Reporting a player


Registered User
May 8, 2018
User Name Medi0cr3

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** Metro 24/7

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 9PM EST

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 9PM EST

Player's name** DGHosT2G

Offense committed: Damage mod

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: At this time he's wiping the pros off the floor. Using an AK-12. 1 bullet kills only. Looks like he has recoil, but its all 1 bullet you're dead.

Stats do not support the way he's playing right now.

Comments Please admin the server thanks!
You have several top tier players saying that he has a damage mod in your chat logs..... You may want to review it harder. He rose in kills incredibly unreasonably fast for being in the server for only a few minutes and was in the 40s. The AK-12 is not a 1 shot kill.

BF4 player stats shows the following:

--G36C 27 minutes game time with 92 kills 31.84% accuracy. THATS INSANE. Pro players STRIVE to get to 30 and thats hard.
--L85A2 34 minutes game time with 126 kills with 25.45% accuracy...
--SR338 9 minutes game time with 36 kills with 46% accuracy and only 16% HSK%!!!!!!!!!!! Thats crazy.
--SRR-61 29 Minutes game play and 42 kills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's INSANE!!!! that's like a kill every few moments for a whole 29 minutes.. I mean you got to be on the ball.
--PDW 27 Minutes game play 95 kills!!!!!!!! 24.53% accuracy!!!
--AK-5C 7 Minutes 28 Seconds 26 kills 27.59% accuracy........

THe rest of his stats do not in anyway favor his "Skill" for his time to kill ratios. Its rediculous. Time to kill is where you can obviously see he's hacking.

If hes' that good he will have an incredibly higher skill per minute than he does at 700's. It would be up in the 900's 1000's if he was that good..................
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Can you provide any evidence of the hacking besides other players griping? Unfortunately we can only rely on the data we have access to unless you can provide something further.
You will just have to look at the stats that I posted above. That is extremely abnormal from what I've seen most players do. I also know that when you have ESL players talking about a damage mod hack going on, you may want to take that for what it is.

His stats are unreasonable for a player with the low of a Skill Per Minute as well as Kills Per Minute.
His glock 18 headshot kill percentage is extremely high for one. I looked up 5 players I played with in an ESL scrim and the glocks they used in pub matches are not even close to this hacker I'm reporting.
Need better evidence. Plain and simple. What we are seeing in stats and chat are not much. We have been doing this a very long time.