Reporting a player

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Registered User
Jan 10, 2017
User Name GonnaSting

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** Naval Strike Only

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** Jul 30, 2017 10:38:15 pm

Would be helpful to indicate the time. around 10:30pm

Player's name** StingsRepper

Offense committed: griefing

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: battle report:
player profile:

chat log:

Comments stingsrepper needs to be banned.

He's constantly doing everything he can to mess with my game and screw his teammates over. Usually, it's sitting in the repair seat of my boat and doing nothing while his BAMF/TRTL friends on the other team take me out. If the game is close he'll repeatedly kill himself 60+ times to burn tickets (TruFreelancer observed and warned/kicked him). He’ll also blow teammates boats up (ask Valar and Keto). If he’s on the other team he’s been known to repeatedly jetram.

He only comes to the server to cause juvenile trouble. Just check out the 13 names he’s chosen to use on his player profile.

Last night we had a great battle going on a full server and all he cared about was fucking with me and doing everything he could to help his team LOSE. See chat log starting at Jul 30, 2017 10:38:15 pm.

This is my favorite server but I have been playing on other servers lately just so I don’t have to deal with the juvenile BAMF/TRTL bullshit. It’s impossible to have a good time with this kid constantly Sabotaging his own team. He is a cancer to this server that is eventually going to kill it.

[BAMF] Levolevaquin (Guthrie, United States)
Past Aliases: Madhatter591

2nd Account: [UT] SpenglersGhost
Past Aliases: MdlAgdNinjaTRTL1, GonnaStingME

3rd Account: venkmansghost
[HaHa] 28InchHorseCawk (Tarpon Springs, United States)
Past Aliases: Silly_Applejack, KingTurtle999, Kingfish999, GonnaStink, BtchesLovePonies, BtchesLovTurtles, SHEIT_BISCUIT, 28InchHorseCawk. DatSexyApplejack
[BAMF] 28InchHorseCawk (Palm Harbor, United States) * BANNED? *
Past Aliases: Kingfish999, Trolo1o1o1, ToddlerNinjaTRTL, 28InchHorseCawk Silly_Applejack

2nd Account: BuckingBronco999 <—NEW ACCOUNT
[BAMF] Roguesterrr (Florissant, United States)
Past Aliases: BrokebackTurle, Roguesterrr, Roguester R0guester , HumpbackTortoise. Shell-N-ator

2nd Account: [pruB] PhotonTorpedos
Past Aliases: GonnaBurp
In the past months several of the TRTL/BAMF platoon(same peeps basically)members have been on a roll of disruptive game play. Giving assets to opposing team, blowing up assets to keep them out of play, intentional prevention of repair support, ramming with jets and choppers, repeated killing of self to lose a match for clanmates on opposing side, etc.. Anything they can do to win a round. It know sucks to lose, but you can't be more pathetic when you lower your standards to cheap tactics, cheating/hacking. All just to say you won that round. These actions reek of desperation! LOL

Another sleazy tactic of BAMF you should be aware of: Players logging into same server with more than one account, one on each side, with sole purpose of sharing player positions. OR, Having a platoon member report positions of their team, to platoon mates on the opposite team. This is a favorite tactic of their platoon.

Not every member is upto no-good, unfortunately most of the offenders are the founders and leaders of the platoon and their numerous accounts, and aliases.
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Follow procedures WARN , KILL , KICK ,BAN
im sure in one possiblly 2 round you will get to ban stage

The problem is they keep flipping accounts and its impossible to keep track of them. As Sting pointed it, they each have at least 3 accounts they bounce between and are constantly changing the names of them.
Stingsrepper has now been permanently banned for racism, and so has 28inchhorsecawk. The rest I could not find anything in chat history to suggest griefing. We will need some video proof.
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