Removing Maps from Rush Rotation.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2015
Hi I'd like to petition that naval strike, altai range, and silk road be removed from the rotation. I feel like these maps are horribly balanced and are not fun to play. The attackers never win on these maps, and usually results in camping of both teams, which is not fun for anyone. I realize this is an all maps server, in which removing these maps, would no longer make it an all maps server. However, as I said, I seriously think these maps are horribly designed in the favor of the defensive team and thus should be removed from rotation because rush just doesn't work on these maps, and that's really the only way to describe it.. Would like to know admin feedback. Thank you.
The server has vote map option. And if it is running on those maps its because it was voted in. Not saying I don't believe you but it is an all maps server and that's what makes our rush server unique. It has been like that since day 1 so there is no intention of removing them unless there is a very good reason like emptying out the server which I don't see happening.