Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad


Registered User
Feb 27, 2011
Dont shoot the messenger but it was on Gamestops pre-order list for SD 6/24 then when I arrived at work today, I found out it was no pushed till Oct 3rd. Its $39.99 in the pre-order system. It may be a wrong dated since its not SD (street dated) anymore. Sorry :*(
All signs point to August 23rd; the start of the Stalingrad battle :). Thanks for the update though man! If that is the correct price, that is a damn good choice! :D.

They haven't confirmed this date, but it's all the more reason to believe it, because they have not denied it either. They've denied every single other speculation. Plus, the Friends and Family beta started about 5 days ago.
That is the confirmed price according to us. All our prices are usually correclty targeted unless its said "TBD", which I haven't seen a game go up or down when they put a price in our computer, just because of the simple fact of when pre-ordering customers ask us how much and if we relay wrong info. Were screwed so I think we get inside info. So im pretty sure $39
The price sounds right, the date, not so much :D. I appreciate your efforts :).
sounds like a bet to me - I'm with Fuziion - game shpuld be out already - they are missing their window.
Now children. Thanks for the info Fuzion and Soulzz, the published release date on Amazon keeps getting pushed back as well. As for their window of opportunity, I agree with Arturo -- if they don't get it out a few months before BF3 and the next Call of Duty it will have a very hard time getting enough of a foundation to be a lasting game. It has a lot of potential and the PC centric approach is good for all of us, but it needs to make an appearance in polished form to compete.
Now children. Thanks for the info Fuzion and Soulzz, the published release date on Amazon keeps getting pushed back as well. As for their window of opportunity, I agree with Arturo -- if they don't get it out a few months before BF3 and the next Call of Duty it will have a very hard time getting enough of a foundation to be a lasting game. It has a lot of potential and the PC centric approach is good for all of us, but it needs to make an appearance in polished form to compete.

Agreed. I know it will be a good game but something soulzz is still not seeing is the big titles swarming in very soon taking the players. would be nice if its out by at least july/august.
Hardly, but OK.

the BF3 marketing bandwagon is now rolling (..and gaining speed)
... and TWI has now developed a pretty clear pattern of disappointments...there not even running a decent beta yet...HOS needs to be out now - people would plow in.
the BF3 marketing bandwagon is now rolling (..and gaining speed)
... and TWI has now developed a pretty clear pattern of disappointments...there not even running a decent beta yet...HOS needs to be out now - people would plow in.

The beta is running. Games take time to get created. BF3 has 300+ developers; HOS has what, ~25? Do the math.

The game will do well, and will last for a long time. Some may call me overly-optimistic/unrealistic, but the fact of the matter is people play PC games for many reasons; good graphics, good gameplay, mod tools, high player count, low player count, etc.

I've played the alpha. The gameplay was solid; graphics needed polishing, but it was to be expected in an Alpha build.

BF2 alone still has people playing; ~10k average daily. BF3 won't last nearly as long. Obviously, I will most likely be getting BF3, but I certainly won't be pre-ordering it, and I certainly don't expect to have much enjoyment from it past 6-8 months.
HOS has additional features to keep many of us busy for at least 2-3 years.

Take your pick; personally, I'll take a good game with great support over a good game with terrible support.
Take your pick; personally, I'll take a good game with great support over a good game with terrible support.

I pick neither. Ill take the great game that I never need support for, good luck with that these days right lol.

I have owned a few games (Crysis, Crysis Warhead come to mind) that I bought later than other people and couldn't run them (messed up cursor to menu relation) without initially using patches which qualify as support and in your favor those two are EA games lol.

Back in the day multiplayer patching was absolutely necessary for security reasons, without that support a game could definitely be ruined quick. But the more and more complex the situation now becomes you even need cooperation between gpu driver vendors and the game developers. Sometimes a fix can't just come from the developer, GPU side of it counts more than ever and with so many configurations its not funny.

I don't think you can expect to buy a single player game anymore and not need the company to be behind it 100%. I bought some no name game based of the engine FEAR uses, game had mad flaws and never got patched. Thats a dead game lol worse than anything EA could make.
Hos will be a very tactical ww2 based game not saying bf3 won't either but I'll tell you this that Hos will have more features and things to do then bf3
I pick neither. Ill take the great game that I never need support for, good luck with that these days right lol.

I have owned a few games (Crysis, Crysis Warhead come to mind) that I bought later than other people and couldn't run them (messed up cursor to menu relation) without initially using patches which qualify as support and in your favor those two are EA games lol.

Back in the day multiplayer patching was absolutely necessary for security reasons, without that support a game could definitely be ruined quick. But the more and more complex the situation now becomes you even need cooperation between gpu driver vendors and the game developers. Sometimes a fix can't just come from the developer, GPU side of it counts more than ever and with so many configurations its not funny.

I don't think you can expect to buy a single player game anymore and not need the company to be behind it 100%. I bought some no name game based of the engine FEAR uses, game had mad flaws and never got patched. Thats a dead game lol worse than anything EA could make.

And my point is that with great games, the support comes in extra content, because the base game is already bad ass, and that's what I'm saying HOS will be.