[poll] Sit back or thke life by the balls

From my knowledge on the subject it can happen on either FF on/off. It can be an accident where proper etiquette would be to go against FPS and throw yourself to the mercy of the shields and select a different spawn point. I?ve had this happen to me on a few occasions but mostly when the squad leader placed his beacon and it seems to move around the map and somehow spawning on it could put you in the enemy bay.

It is also a know glitch/hack/game exploit. From my day?s of admin work you could tell those whom used it for malicious intensions since they?d just keep coming back till ban. Once or twice could be an accident but will surely get you banned on most servers when an admin is present especially if you are there to camp and get easy kills. If not type the offenders name and hopefully a senior admin will review and keep an eye out.


Sitting on enemy titan guns and killing em at their base would be fun.... 075
yeah but not as fun as exploring if an enemy in a restricted area would would allow for the same code as the enemy, like walking through shields, entering pods, etc etc, I would like to take their gunship and turn it around lol, so I chose Hide
Why isn't kill them all and let God sort them out an a choice?
Well, I guess that kind of is the Bruce Lee option...
it would be pretty funny to sit in the transport guns and spawn kill everyone :)
I wonder if you can use the titan guns on the enemy titan???
That would be the shit! Cause there is no name on the player from inside the titan bay. I mean - you can see it but you have to look at the titan gun itself! That could be very confusing and a bitch to deal with. I would ban immediately if someone from the enemy team killed me with a titan gun underneath my own titan.
This happen to me once when I was new at the game. Funny thing is I just had unlocked and was equipped with rdx.......yep stupid me I used it to get as many consoles as I could before dying
No Cj,

You can?t get in the gunners seats or pods. You can get in the transport or GS but the moment you touch the shields you?re a corpse.

You can't get to the consoles from the titan deck if you are the enemy. Same way you can't get to the titan deck from inside the consoles area. I might do the same as Z242... take a screen shot if possible.
I've played lets say 8000 games and I can count on one hand the number of times i've been killed, or seen an emeny on my own titan bay; so I wouldn't say its a hack/game exploit. It would be like putting a sentury gun in the crate...something you would see all the time.
i have heard of an exploit were you can spawn on a beacon and land in the enemy core but idk if its possible

Yeah it?s an exploit/hack in most cases. What I mentioned about the beacon moving around the map hasn?t happened to me since 1.4 playing days. I saw another post where someone said they podded into the enemy bay? I can say that I?ve never witnessed that one but you can pod through the Titan and end up landing just behind the core. I don?t remember which Titan (EU/PAC) and it?s never happened as the enemy but I can attest to accomplishing the feat when podding from my own Titan and trying to squish someone right behind the stacks on top. LOL, it?s like how did I end up in here? I saw this last weekend when we were attacking corridor 3 and the guy came straight through the hull. Only once though and yes on the TBG mixed server.

I have no idea on how the exploited version works but can say I?ve probably banned 20+ for doing so consistently or willingly.
