[PCGN] Roman1966 and [PCGN] Ace_Jones still harrassing me

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Mar 4, 2015
Well I was hoping to excape the harassment from theses two people, but I can,t. They are continueing to harass me.....So I will not be back....I live by a CODE as a VETERAN and as a CHRISTIAN. So good bye fellows!

from ur forum name are you not affiliated with them? what do you mean when you say harass cause that's a broad spectrum of things
I don't mean this as a insult in anyway but we are not going to arbitrate any disputes no matter who's at fault on our forums or servers. If these past acquaintances are causing issue with our server population and being disruptive toward game play or players then we might consider some type of action. Please post specific references to the harassment via screen shots or video. Otherwise turn off chat and just play the game. If they are disrupting play by blowing up team vehicles and team killing to harass would certainly warrant other action but I/we need proof of those actions.
I have known ROMAN and ACE_JONES for over 10-12 yrs....when I came here in march I was an ADMIN of [PCGN]and COWA, I wanted to get to know you guys..I thought maybe we could spar as [PCGN]cowa clan and [TBG]clan...you know friendly challenge game....
I have never gotten along with ROMAN( Bully and a PRICK) he has always been that way. BUTT I have always held my tonge, and let him be disrespectfull to me, well because of his brother(LeBOBO)I am still friends with BOBO, BOBO and I have never had cross words, we are still friends.
I resigned from [PCGN]and COWA....I am just plain DOGMEAT now...NO I am not with them,I resigned because of his action towards me.... Because I am an easy going man and I try to get along with everyone,but what this person does.....is beyond harassment... I have asked him to please stop it, because it DISTURB,S ME to the UPMOST.. He is the reason I left them. I live by MORALS and MY BELIEF! He continues to lay down on me after he kills me and HUMPS ME from head to toe, until I can no longer see the KILL CAMERA.. This may not mean much to you or anyone else, but it does to me! I have nothing but respect for the people I have met here at[TBG]. I will not bring any discomfort to you guys, but I can no longer put up with this. I have been a gamer since the 60,s.
Thank you for your concern,but since he will not stop it and he always abuses his "ADMIN STATUS" well I no longer tolerate it...I,m sorry if people think I,m running from him....I am not..
I treat all people with respect and I always will. Thank you SIR!

sorry to hear this and I can assure you he has no ADMIN STATUS around here. the humping is part of the game we all do it. you might be the exception but if this is the move you feel you need to make enjoy and frag on. our servers will be around if ya wanna stop back by
If you want to truly rid yourself of these guy's unfriend ,change you alias to something new, and hide the profile change except to friends on your list. Right now I can simply search your name and join the server your playing on.

The teabagging or humping after they've killed you doesn't warrant any type of action from my standpoint. While I personally don't care that much for the action its not something to be concerned with. Children will be children so to speak. While you see that as a sign of being disrespectful from the two persons mentioned it could happen at anytime from any player online.
What deadred said unfriend them and change your alias.

No matter what server you join they will follow you. So take our advice and it should get better
I have done everything I could think of to avoid this....and it,s just not "TEA BAGGEN" it goe,s much deeper. I will not bring anymore problems to anyone,s attention, nor will I be back.
No hard feelings.

I thank you,SIR.
I understand you didn,t ask me or say PISS OFF...I left because I didn,t want to cause trouble....I responded to your personal message.

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