North Korea detonates nuclear weapon claims it is miniaturized/weaponized


Registered User
Nov 16, 2010
North Korea has detonated a nuclear weapon for the third time following through on threats to conduct the test in response to sanctions stemming from it's missile test two months ago. That missile test was at first claimed to be a satellite launching vehicle but has since been declared a nuclear weapon delivery vehicle capable of striking it's primary enemy the United States of America. If today's nuclear weapon detonation was actually a miniaturized weapon (unlikely but they have been working on it essentially unimpeded for a decade) their successful missile launch a couple of months ago has become a very real threat. At some point we are going to actually have to deal with that shithole, we could probably start by cutting off aid...

Experts say North Korea nuclear test an 'important step towards weaponization' | Fox News

Just in time for today's state of the union address! I'm betting we hear more about the need for more tax increases, amnesty and gun control than we do about this in the address.
C4Mac, RENNO, Snakebabies, Mrs. Ghost and you all TBG war veterans, you better start packaging your stuff up if the U.S. send military troops over there.
C4Mac, RENNO, Snakebabies, Mrs. Ghost and you all TBG war veterans, you better start packaging your stuff up if the U.S. send military troops over there.

I believe the more likely option is U.S. ICBMs being sent over there...
Apparently they "notified" a few countries, including the US, that they were going to do this. I'm surprised they were even able to produce a nuke, after their failed attempt at putting that satellite into orbit.
I believe the more likely option is U.S. ICBMs being sent over there...
those babies sit nicely....

what will fly over though is a few f22s from kunsan and 7th fleet
So what will be done about this? I hope eradication of at least their administration.
2eme REP is involved in mali right now, not enough cannonfodder for the UN to shove in there until march
Ill get ported to Switzerland to defend the mountain land :D
Apparently they "notified" a few countries, including the US, that they were going to do this. I'm surprised they were even able to produce a nuke, after their failed attempt at putting that satellite into orbit.

That "satellite" was actually successfully pushed out of our atmosphere, however it tumbled out of control into deep space after being released from the launch vehicle. This is the third nuke they have produced and detonated, the first one was pretty weak but they have gotten stronger each successive test. They pour all of their resources into their military and nuclear weapons development program which is why you have mass starvation and even cannibalism over there. At some point China is going to have to stop funding and encouraging their behavior because it is getting to the point that we might actually have to do something about it. As much as China has become a superpower they do not want to tangle with us militarily yet we are vastly superior in every way but numbers still and they will be compelled to assist North Korea the same way the did the North Koreans in the 50's the Vietnamese in the 60's-70's and every middle east state sponsor of terrorism since then.
Wait i thought USA owed china billions of dollars?
We owe lots of countries billions of dollars in the form of bonds which were bought as a way to safely grow wealth and influence US policy. That money is a contract similar to a loan but with universal parameters from customer to customer. Japan owns almost the same amount of US Bonds (also known as debt). The largest shareholder of US Bonds/debt remains the US government and private pension plans. Also state government pension plans.
that's kind of good news, but this shit is getting mildly scary, all my .22 ammo is 4 hours away
China has been publicly faking disapproval for two decades but behind the scenes they not only provide financial, technical and subsistentive support, but they also work in direct contradiction of any meaningful efforts by the UN(read Useless Ne'erdowells) ny using their veto power as a permanent member of the council. So, basically they have done and said nearly the same thing openly and behind closed doors as they are right now. They like to pretend they have no control or ability to change NK because our preoccupation with NK allows them to run rough shod globally. Haven't heard much in the news about their two year old hostile military conflict forcefully taking island territories in the yellow sea....
I would say that even if NK does get a Nuke to US soil.(I would hope the UN steps in before that happens) It will be another 1 week war. However, if China backs them. I see a 10 to 20 year war from that. While we have the Tech, but do we have enough tech to dwindle their numbers to render a stale mate? That's my true question. IF we run out of tech, we could see the same economic requirement on civilian based factories being forced to support the war.Like in WW2. That would only drive the cost of living up further by rendering domestic resources thin.
The UN will not under Amy circumstances intervene with force to prevent anything. They are a historic laughing stock from Sarajevo to Mogadishu to Port Au'Prince to Rwanda to Darfur, they have never been deployed and actually stopped a massacre. They aren't going to start with an actual enemy of the US who they collectively disdain. NK would not get a nuke Stateside, they would try and get it here by way of ICBM which they just had their first succesful test of. That missile would never make it here, our Aegis cruisers wouldn't let it cross the sea of Japan. They would absolutely donate a miniaturized weapon to a third party actor though.
I find the notion that NKorea even having nuclear capability disturbing. They are a dictatorship and their leaders hate the U.S. Kim Jong-Un is crazier than his dad was.