Mic issues L4D


Registered User
Feb 26, 2009
Ok so maybe some of you l4d vets can give me an idea, I can not get my mic to work with l4d i know it works cuz i use it in vent and everything else.
when i test my mic in l4d options it works most of the time. and when it doesnt i get a pulsating feedback threw my headset. But even when the test does work and i hear myself fine threw the mic test when i get in game nothing. so no idea. checked my sound settings on my cp and nothings muted. any ideas?
Maybe it's set to use the wrong input device in Steam?
i dunno was just playing and was trying to key it up in game guys said they could here the music and themselves talking when i pressed the button like input was set up wrong or something.
Naz, for some people, for some odd reason it does NOT work in the steam client, but it works fine in-game - so test it IN GAME. I've got a couple of friends where that happens (horrible noise in steam/lobby, fine in game). It might be due to different capturing engines or something... idk.
im not too worried about it,and i dont want to go into the steam client and make changes since its tbgs steam acct i'll wait till i buy the game on my steam acct before i do all that. I dont know what the deal is when i load the game and test the mic some times it works (mic test) and some times it doesnt when it doesnt i get a pulsating feedback sound and even when it does work i get nothing in game, even tho last night guys said they could here themselves talking, sounds/game music when i keyed up but they couldnt hear me. almost like what i was hearing was getting broadcasted but not my mic. its a bit annoying not being able to voice chat but not killer. Also seemed to disable my mic in vent after a lilttel while too, I noticed mj got on and asked me something but my mic wouldnt key up in vent had to alt tab out and toggle my mic in vent settings and then it was fine. on a side note i usually keep vent turned off when i play lf4 thought that might have something to do with it. but mic seems not to work in that game regardless.