Left 4 Dead night


Registered User
Jan 27, 2008
we finished campaign one last night. roth, lex, and soulz that is. we played with one bot. look at the total number of zombies killed at the end, its a random bit of irony. We could always use a 4th, Killa is usually playing. its a great game if anyone is on the fence about buying it.





I think I might get this - that is if people are actually going to play it?????
I love the game. I can't recall a time I've had this much fun playing a FPS for a long time now :D. It's worth the money for sure :).
FYI update: I have the game on the way from the UK. I got it for really cheap on ebay. Hopefully it's real and it works fine, but the guy sent it in the post before he got my email to send the code so I can play it right now, so I'll have to wait for the package to arrive. ETA is next week sometime.

I'll keep you updated. For now, exclude me from purchasing considerations.

BTW roth for MVP!!1!!one!1
rofl, soulz got the In Memory Of... because a tank bitch slapped him off the roof. it was so freakin fun.

CJ, the way i look at it... i am going to join the TBG server even if im just playing "single player". that way, if anyone sees im on and feels like playing too, they can join the co-op server. it will kick one of the bots out. then if you drop out, i can keep playing with the other bots.

i think its brilliant to have the TBG server.