Keira Knightley’s Banned Domestic Abuse Commercial


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
It’s a fucking PSA on domestic abuse; it’s suppose to make you aware, it’s suppose to shocking and it’s suppose to be violent! This is the kind of brutal commercial that will possibly cause women who have been victims to come forward and report the pieces of shit that abuse them. By the way if you masturbated to Keira in this particular video…you may have issues.
I don't know if this is going to solve anything. The problem is more psychological than anything else... It's not like the women abused or their husbands/bfs are going to see this and be like "Oh my! I better stop beating up my wife / getting beaten up."
Yeah I have real issues with individuals that do that to anyone. But you make that a kid or a woman,,, Most of my partners know not to let me anywere near the jackoff cause they know I'd kill them.
What should be done is we should flood those homes with meth. Not just an ok supply but bad rat meth, shitloads of it. Nothing gives you a good reason to leave than an OD death or drug raid.

Joe for president 2012
I'm not for violence against women, but if a woman comes at you like a know...punching you or trying to streetfight you...then she deserves to get hit like a man. Other than that, keep your hands to yourselves children.