job transfer


Registered User
May 31, 2012
hey guys was wondering if anyone lives in the Seattle Washington area I have been accepted for a transfer up to that area and if anyone can help me out with some good parts of town to find a house that would be cool thank :zebre:
Well don't look for housing in the downtown area, that's where the democrats hold their bi-annual riots against capitalism. Is the job in Seattle proper or one of the surrounding cities like Tacoma? Beautiful country up there, I've driven through and spent the night in most of the continental US and the Puget Sound area and west coast of Washington is the most beautiful place I've seen.
No help from me Vyper. Never been there. Heard it rains a lot. Where a rain
I will be working at the federal detention center at SeaTac got tired of dealing with the homos and chomos at the facility I was at to many cry babies that cant handle being locked up