Insurgency Votekicking pls

AkH prevent

Registered User
Jan 3, 2016
Your Insurgency servers are awesome, but sadly we are stuck with idle players sometimes because we aren't able to kick.

I get that you guys probably disabled playerkicks because they do get abused, and I totally understand that. By default it requires 2 or 3 players to start a kick, and sometimes a party of 2 or 3 can have their way with a server and ruins the fun alot more than a idle does.

But what if we made the minimum amount of players needed to start a vote to something higher, that while not perfect, at least gives us a better option than what we have now?

What if you set it to say... 5 players are needed to needed to start a votekick? The command for that would be something like:
sv_vote_kick_min_players 5

By default, it requires 3 players I believe... but 5 or 6 should make it so a party doesn't wield too much power over a server. Sure, even most legit votes would fail... but it should at least be an improvement, I hopes.
I can add an AFK plugin like we have with TF2. Shouldnt be a problem. It will all be automated.
I second this request. The AFK plugin sounds good as well.
This pleases me.

Is there also a plugin that shows when teammates flash eachother at spawn? Not that this is a problem in your server... but I've been asking the devs for over 6mos now for a simple chat notification for team flashes (similar to what we get for teamwounding).

It's the main method people still have left to troll their team and I'm surprised that they haven't done anything about it yet.

I saw a plugin for RPG backblast too but I think that would just piss people off, even though it would be pretty cool once people got used to it.

Or OR maybe prevent can have a little rcon power keep everyone having fun! He has a flawless record over at XFlow and stuff. He was also a PBBans streaming member in AAPG and stuff.
There is an auto kick for AFK's already. When the server is full.
This pleases me.

Is there also a plugin that shows when teammates flash eachother at spawn? Not that this is a problem in your server... but I've been asking the devs for over 6mos now for a simple chat notification for team flashes (similar to what we get for teamwounding).

It's the main method people still have left to troll their team and I'm surprised that they haven't done anything about it yet.

Just find me and I'll deal with them or post the name of the guy and someone will take care of it.
I already let the big mouths and trolls know that that shit ant gonna fly here. Word gets out quick and they play elsewhere.
Sid is actually right I've updated the plugin but the afk kicks specially when server is full. It moves you to sprctate if you are afk and kicks you from spectate when server is full