How to play CTF


Registered User
Aug 19, 2011
Just in case anybody doesn't know this stuff yet:

The purpose of CTF is to capture the enemy's flag from their home base and carry it across the map to your home base. If you do this to them more times than they do it to you, you win the game.

First team to get 12 flag captures wins. Or, whoever's ahead after 20 minutes. I'm not sure what decides it in case there's a tie, but there's no overtime or sudden death - the match will always end after 20 minutes and one second.

CTF maps are fairly small - 500-700 metres between bases.

You have to be on foot to pick up the enemy flag. As soon as you get near it, you'll pick it up automatically. You can now get in a vehicle, and you'll still be carrying the flag. If you go out of bounds (even for a second), the flag will be dropped on the ground and someone will have to pick it up.

You cap this as though it's a normal Conquest flag. Get guys within the capture radius, turn it, and when it's done it will teleport back to your home base.

You can't score while the enemy's got your flag. Often, both teams will have the enemy flag but be unable to score until their own flag is returned. In this situation, a strong assault force should attack the enemy base, kill the defenders and the flag carrier, and pile on the flag to return it as quickly as possible.

This is a good reason to have a strong foothold near the enemy base - you've got people there, ready and waiting for a mission like this.

You're trying to get into the enemy base, snatch the flag and get out again.

You're either camping your own flag to keep the enemy away, or controlling strategic points on the map like the high ground near your flag, the map center, and the approach routes to your flag. I've listed a few effective spots for the individual maps below.

You're not helping your team and you should leave the server before I find you and rip your bollocks out through your throat.

Your job is to stay alive, get back to friendly forces and score. Not to try and pick up a couple of extra kills or do fancy-arse jumps on the dirtbike. Avoid the enemy and run, run run.

Keep. Him. Alive. Everything you do should be focused on getting that flag back home. That means you forget your precious K/D, take bullets for him, give up your seat in a vehicle so he can get home. Even if the flag carrier dies, every step he takes makes it easier for the next guy to get home.

Is your #1 target at all times. If the flag carrier's dead, the flag's not moving. Even if he has an escort, take out the carrier first, then the next guy to pick up the flag, and the next, and the next. Every second you delay that flag's escape is another second for reinforcements to arrive.

Most games, I've noticed that the winners are the first team to get a strong foothold in the enemy base. Once there, you can booby trap/steal their vehicles, take out the enemy as they spawn piecemeal, and of course steal the flag as soon as it appears.

These are fast, quick and plentiful. They're a great vehicle for making a flag run because they're so damn fast. The passenger can hop off and grab the flag while the driver spins around, then jump straight back on to run for home. However, they seem to be extremely vulnerable to landmines - setting them off as soon as you get within a couple of feet. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TOUCH THE LANDMINE TO SET IT OFF.

They're also a deathtrap if the enemy team has its javelin teams in order. You'll have no idea that you're being locked, and as fast as the bike is the missile will always be faster.

The AA jeep is awesomely powerful against air vehicles; its missiles can cover most of the map

The tank, as always, needs to be covered by infantry to be fully effective. But parked outside the enemy base, or used defensively at home, it's awesome.

Operation Riverside (Spring)
Each team gets a Littlebird, tank and AA jeep. There's a warehouse on an island in the middle of the river, and hills around both bases. Sniper heaven; this map is all about fields of fire.

Nebandan Flats (Summer)
Wide open desert map. Littlebird, tank and AA jeep again. The SOFLAM is king here; the team that holds the large warehouse in the middle of the map will dominate the whole battlefield. Dirtbikes are suicide as long as the littlebird is up, raining down LGMs.

Kiasar Railroad (Autumn)
The tightest of the three maps. Each team gets an AA jeep, attack chopper, tank and IFV. This map is full of cover; with plenty of spots to hide a beacon outside the enemy base. The spawn areas are incredibly long and narrow; it's fairly easy to infiltrate them and steal vehicles.

Sebalan Pipeline (Winter)
One Littlebird, tank and AA jeep per team. The centre of the map is a huge oil refinery, with a strategic hill near the sprawling US base. Plenty of sniper spots on the cranes and buildings. That hill overlooking the US base is critical - if the Russians control it then they have fields of fire right down onto the US flag.

CTF is all about controlling the battlefield. The games I've played have always gone to the team that gets people right up to the enemy base and keeps them there. To win, you have to control the map well enough that you can get between the two flags. That means you have to know what the rest of your team's doing, and be flexible enough to fill the gaps.
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Great post rails some nice tips here

CTF is one of the best mode ever made for games and always true teamwork.

Sent from my LG-P880g using Tapatalk 2
I'm not sure what decides it in case there's a tie, but there's no overtime or sudden death - the match will always end after 20 minutes and one second.

The winning team in case of a capture tie is the one with more overall player points.

Some helpful strats I've discovered while playing and watching some of the more successful games:

The armor is good as a defender. Keep your tank back in your base camping your flag. Have a spotter in the laser seat constantly spotting air targets. Make sure the driver has guided shells as the secondary. It's tempting to charge forward with the tank to cause havoc for the enemy, but doing so risks losing it. It's way too helpful as a defender in this case.

Bikes and choppers attack! The common trick for defense is mines and C4 all over the flag. Great. Load one bike up with C4 and drive it right to the flag. Whether you kamikaze the run or let the coasting bike make it to the flag, the goal is to set the defensive mines and C4 off. The driver on the next bike takes the flag and gets the fuck outta Dodge.

And while he's boot-legging it back to the base, the chopper is in the air providing CAS.

The bike's main weakness isn't small arms fire, it's the javelins and guided rounds. You have no warning, no defense, and no chance against them. If someone locks and fires, you're toast. With this knowledge, it's good to have a third and maybe fourth bike running with the flag runner as javelin decoys. Or to pick the flag up if the bike with the flag gets nuked.

Finally, the Hummer/Vodnik with AA: keep him mid-map or so as the trouble-maker. He's bait and generally a pain in the ass for the choppers. He's going to die a lot. While sitting mid-map, he can run bikes off the road, kill tanks with his rockets (they're surprisingly powerful), and just be a thing for the enemy defense to focus on. While doing that, they're ignoring the bikes.

That's what I've found so far. As for as maps go, I'm a big fan of Pipeline and Railroad. The other two I could take or leave.

Can we get the !rules to work for that server. I've seen people rage in that server and type !rules in. Don't know what there looking for. People crying base rap and camping but that the game style.

Oh yeah C4 on a bike is just evil.