Hospital stay, and update again


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Honorary Member
Aug 21, 2008
Yesterday I went to the hospital for massive liver pain. The drugs they gave me didn't do much to help. They we needed to go to the next level of pain meds. My liver has fluid around it now and the cancer is double in size inside.
Today is my doctor appt. Wish me good luck. Also, I couldn't sleep very well last night so I'm very tired.
Once again I went to the hospital. I passed out and woke up sweating. Called the cancer place and they told me to go to the hospital. Spent over 5 hours there while they took blood and ran tests. I now have a pain patch and turns out that my body was just getting use to the new drug.
My wife and I would also like to thank all of you that donate. It really helps out! Love you guys/gals!