Hi from Denmark.


Registered User
Jun 14, 2010
After ½ year without gaming, I am starting up again, so I guess you will bump in to me on your BF2142 servers from time to time.
Maybe later on, I might consider asking permission to join TBG, so I want to introduce myself.

I am a 45 year old guy from Denmark, father of a wonderful 4 year old girl, have been leadsinger in various bands (mostly heavy metal) interested in knowledge in general, but especially history, art, movies, the paranormal and teologi/religion have my attention, my humour is as black and dry as my coffee.

I have played BF2142 for about 4 years, been member/admin of C&B, but since I don’t like dictatorship and backstabbing I left like so many others.
I have all unlocks, are best as a gunner in different vehicles, mainly play as engineer or sniper, I am a casual player with average point and stats, and I have absolutely no tolerance for cheaters, baserapers, glitchers and dumbplayers.

Once in a while I play Left4Dead2 but that is only when I am bored.

Well that’s all folks – See ya on the Battlefield.
Welcome to the site Kroll1. Have fun, but I would like to point out a descrepency you posted. It's TBG not TBK for the record. Se you on the field..
You had me up till TBK. At this moment throwing that clan around in our house is not good for you. You may want to reconsider. But other then that welcome. I'll see you in 2142.
Thanks - Ooops, sorry wont happen again until next time, I edited my mistake =o))))
I dont even know who TBK is, so it was an honest mistake =o)))))))))))))
After ½ year without gaming, I am starting up again, so I guess you will bump in to me on your BF2142 servers from time to time.
Maybe later on, I might consider asking permission to join TBG, so I want to introduce myself.

I am a 45 year old guy from Denmark, father of a wonderful 4 year old girl, have been leadsinger in various bands (mostly heavy metal) interested in knowledge in general, but especially history, art, movies, the paranormal and teologi/religion have my attention, my humour is as black and dry as my coffee.

I have played BF2142 for about 4 years, been member/admin of C&B, but since I don’t like dictatorship and backstabbing I left like so many others.
I have all unlocks, are best as a gunner in different vehicles, mainly play as engineer or sniper, I am a casual player with average point and stats, and I have absolutely no tolerance for cheaters, baserapers, glitchers and dumbplayers.

Once in a while I play Left4Dead2 but that is only when I am bored.

Well that’s all folks – See ya on the Battlefield.

I never understood why euros would play on north american servers. Ive played on euro servers and the lag is so terrible cuz of the distance its not worth playin. I can imagine its got to be just as bad for any european player on a NA server.
I never understood why euros would play on north american servers. Ive played on euro servers and the lag is so terrible cuz of the distance its not worth playin. I can imagine its got to be just as bad for any european player on a NA server.

My old ISP i was pinging 93-99 to our UK server. Now its 114 but thats beside the point.

welcome kroll
I dont know what my ping is, but I have no problems playing on your NS server (havnt tried the others yet)
The reason why I found your servers, Is that I was looking for NS servers that was populated most af the time, and had all maps.
And off cource servers where the admins react when they are told about violators, and you did that as well.

Thanks for the welcome =o)

BTW -There is a baserapeparty on your NS server right now!
Hi =o)

You are from Poland, do you have any pingproblems on the US servers?
I have just taken a ping test on 10 different servers in Canada and US, and had an average of around 150, I guess that is acceptable - Anyway, as said I have no problems with lag, and that is what counts.
i have ~120 but its high for me in 2142. When i have 120 in BC2 i can play its little harder but on hardcore is good:).

any way 50 is so much better than 120:p