Gulf of Oman has got to go, hey hey ho ho.


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Hey bros, love the servers and i get that the fly nerds need oman to flex their epeens. But this map is so ridiculous when teams are less than balanced, and also when populations are low because it drags on and on and on. Its fairly consistent to see the server lose a quarter of its pop once oman is due up. I'm sure this has been brought up before, but there are better fly maps. Please, for the love of god scale tickets down for oman or change to a better fly map.

looking at battlelog, us 64 tickets RU 924. Yikes.
This has never been brought up. This server been running these maps since day 1 and no intention of removing it. The server is back to karkand server playing b2k maps only. You can try the air maps server instead.
all im saying is the map is garbage stack fest every time. Obviously you can point to some arbitrary statistic saying ohh servers doing great, which it is, but it damn sure isn't because of Gulf of Oman. Its actually doing quite well despite that. Other than that please consider a 24/7 karkand only.
I love Oman, currently my favorite of the B2K, love trolling the snipers and getting their tags. My request for Oman is for the vehicles spawn time to be cut in half. It takes about a minute for them to re-spawn, would like it to be 30 or 20 seconds.

My second request is for "KICK IDLE PLAYER AFTER SECONDS" to be at 2 or 3 minutes.(that gives us times to do whatever, like make some popcorn or do our necessities) but the biggest problem is that Ive seen too many AFK players , a lot of them coming back on the next maps without getting kicked out. (edit:this goes for the entire server)

If stacked teams are an issue conquest assault is no better. You think being trapped in the base on Karkand is any better than being trapped in the RU base of Oman? If your team isn't meeting expectations its never much fun. Though conquest assault gives interesting challenged that can reward actions made by a single player. But Oman is a map we all love.

Any time we have made a change to the server from where it is now and this is how its been since release we get complaints. I think the discussions on killing it altogether would come up before getting rid of Oman would but thats just me based on what I've observed.
AFK kicking players is a double edged sword. On one hand they are AFK, but on the other they are probably TBG Members trying to get the server going and left there comps on while at work to do it. Populating the servers is pretty important to having a successful server. If it is ever out of hand you can always pop in here and make a quick thread and one of the admins can go in and kick them. Spawn time for vehicles is a setting that should not be messed with since it is tied in with the " EA Quick Join" button in Battlelog. If we change it we could be branded a "custom" server and then no one would find it again. This has been discussed with the Dev's previously and there was no satisfactory outcome to the problem.
AFK kicking players is a double edged sword. On one hand they are AFK, but on the other they are probably TBG Members trying to get the server going and left there comps on while at work to do it. Populating the servers is pretty important to having a successful server. If it is ever out of hand you can always pop in here and make a quick thread and one of the admins can go in and kick them. Spawn time for vehicles is a setting that should not be messed with since it is tied in with the " EA Quick Join" button in Battlelog. If we change it we could be branded a "custom" server and then no one would find it again. This has been discussed with the Dev's previously and there was no satisfactory outcome to the problem.

yea i guess it doesnt matter when teams are stacked to high hell nearly every time anyway. So who gives a shit what map it is really.