
RAGE Bengallie

Registered User
Sep 24, 2009
HI! I'm sure you know me, and I'm sure a couple of you have already meet my Buddy NoOne666 in Person. Were comming back, for more fun and were bringing others with us. :)

Now there is this one problem though. I was hopeing you you could provide some tech support. A couple of us are running Win7 (64bit) Machines. Here's our problem we have all folowed the crap posted on the BF2142 tech support forums. putting it on admin and running PSsetup and other crap. but on game launch myself and oen other te game has some error and shuts down before the loading movie plays.

Have any of you experienced this problem? becaise I'm at this point and so are a few of us. :med3d-virus2:
I'm going to bed right now, but if you give me your age, I can give you the Ventrilo info and we can troubleshoot this tomorrow ;).
Older than dirt LOL 34
I dont use ventrilo and I never will sorry I use TS3.

But I guess I can put it on here for Troubeshooting. hehe!