Grateful for TBG


Registered User
Dec 20, 2019
While I was waiting for a TBG server to populate, I jumped in a specific server (which shall not be named). All was going fine until three players (who shall also not be named) joined and started being toxic. Racial slurs abound, constant name calling, toxicity and blood pressure raising. I don't like hiding the chat because something useful might come out of it, callouts, etc.

I figured I'd hit up the servers discord channel to see if an admin could get a handle on things. I took a screenshot and made a ticket. Admin responded that there's nothing they can do since they have no chat rules. Needless to say, I left after that match and won't be returning.

I just wanted to take the time and say I appreciate you guys having the word filter and wrangling in the toxicity of players. Thank you for making your servers a good place to play BF4.

PS: If you do want to know the names of the players, send me a message. Especially if you're interested in keeping an eye out for them.