

Registered User
Jul 12, 2009
May want to keep a good close eye on this guy.

I could never get him on video because everytime I spectate, he would go into spectator mode before I recorded anything.

He was getting head shots almost every kill, at times he was prefiring around corners, numerous times he was firing directly at someone behind walls into a distance, he may of been using wall hack or aimbot variation, several times he shot me and others across the map with a FG42, I am talking on maps like Seelow now, as soon as I would spawn, BOOM! dead, I kind of have a belief though he can probably see the enemies name tags to.

Definately want to keep an eye on him, or look at the PBSS to see any strange activity.


I manage to capture some video, very strong evidence hes hacking, I had to use the in game recorder though, so I need to get that converted and everything else.

Actually does anyone know where the records save to?
yes it is

youtube has such bad quality though,thought about finding a way to frap it maybe uploading it here?

last I checked btw hes still in the game.

I cannot locate on disk where the records are.
ok but where is the information located at on my pc?

I did /record and /stoprecord but cannot find the files for this.
He used some kind of ingame recorder feature, not fraps.

I'm not sure, but search for "record stoprecord file" and see what pops up.
heres is the DM_7 File.

you have to use Call of Duty World at War Demo Player to play it.

If you notice during the spectate, obvious wall hack maybe even aimbot, his aimbot was set though so some restraint be used and it work maybe 9-10 times a game, notice at the end he aims way in the back at 2 players behind trees, I am going to upload this to youtube soon once I convert it or get fraps and frap it from the demo player.
Thank you. I'll have Fast take a look at it since my copy doesn't seem to work with Windows 7.