Fail pictures

Damn! They almost had "fisting". :fisting

And how often do you get thanked for that anyway? Anybody?
LOL That'd have been funny:
"Thangs you for come to FISTING ( :fisting ) us" LOL 069
i lost the big version of this pic buts its one of my fav Fail pics (bf1942):

You'll notice that the 911 call in that video was from South Florida, the city of Boynton Beach. This is exactly why I stand by my declaration that everyone in FL has had their brains baked by the sun. It also doesn't help that the state is populated by about 70% (68% in a 2003 study) that either had not completed a high school education and had obtained as their highest education rank a general equivalency diploma or had earned a HS diploma. It's amazing these dumb fucks can tie their shoes. Then again, who even needs to learn that skill with the aid of velcro laces or flip-flops.
I never considered going to buy pre-made meat... Sure would save a lot of animals.