
All the grinding for gear is rather tedious and the gear inst spawning right at the moment but it's an alpha so there will be weird glitches and odd problems. I have never been in a gunfight in a video game that got my heart pounding in my chest like this game does, just the sight of another player can get your heart going and when the bullets start flying it is the most intense video game experience I have ever had.
Gearing up is a bit of a grind, but I have found that exploring the map is also cool. Nothing beats a good gun fight though.

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I spent last night in the top right corner of the map at the airfield and then over to Svetlojarsk, another annoying thing is the damn names, they are all Russian so there are lots of consenants hanging out together that shouldn't be.
it becomes second nature i can get anywhere on the map and only be a 1 grid square away from where im trying to go Occupation in DayZ Chernarus GPS , X-pert Hatcheteer
It can take a few hours just to get your gear for a firefight, and another hour walking to it. 10 hours of sheer frustration tonight in my DayZ baptism. It's buggy as fuck, LITERALLY takes more than an hour to walk from one side of the map to the other and you lose all of the gear it takes you an hour or more to get whenever you die which is frequently. You can walk right off roofs, scaffoldings, through walls all of which can kill you not to mention the zombies that can walk through walls, fences and doors that you can't walk through not to mention other players who seem to pretty much always be enemies. When they add vehicles the game will become 50% more playable. I'm not going to abandon the game because I just spent $30 on the game and ten hours learning how to die in bizarre ways (eating a can of tuna for one). I think the game has potential to be a lot of fun, but it's nowhere near there yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like when they are finished developing it.

My Hardcore character has been alive since the character wipe last patch. Once you get the hang of the game, survival is painfully easy in its current state. The only challenge you face is surviving other players, but most of them are kill-on-sight retards who're easily avoided. I've had a few issues, but nothing major. I just run around with my Mosin and Magnum holding kids up and delivering death from above at the military bases. The game is a lot of fun in its current state; it's only going to become exponentially better as time passes. An example of which would be last night when my friends and I held up five new players at Kamyshovo and forced them to fist-fight to the death. We gave the winner a backpack full of supplies and healed him up to healthy status.

Before you buy the game on Steam there is a pretty sizeable warning that this game is currently in Alpha status. If you want a polished game DayZ is not for you.

