dam parachute in bf2


Registered User
Jan 16, 2009
well i guess at one time i was used to it being on the 9 key but not it jsut suxs.
maybe this has been posted i dont recall.

to fix the parachute key or change it to space bar do this.

Go to your My Documents folder and look for:
Battlefield 2\Profiles\000* (* is any number)

Open the Controls.con with Notepad.

Change this line:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect9 IDFKeyboard IDKey_9 10000 0

to this:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIWeaponSelect9 IDFKeyboard IDKey_Space 10000 0

Now Space is your Jump and Parachute.
Yeah it sucks when you are falling and can't remember where the damn parachute key is.
That accounted for about a third of my deaths since I started playing again. Then I mapped it to button 4 on my MX518 and now I remember (most of the time). Last night I did a freaking base jump and popped it about 3 feet off the ground.

That was when I was in with you, Seed as my son's Jayzee13 soldier. I hate MEC can't squad up, but we at least won 3-0 that round. I even revived you a few times.
that is going to help me so much you wouldnt believe. i noticed when i put it on my mouse i cant hit the button fast enough to make it activate for some reason.
When i played bf2 i never used a Parachute
ran off buildings just bend your legs on impact try it . You will be surprised
lol who needs a parachute when you get shot in mid air before you deploy it

That, or a thousand grenades fly at you! Still like this game, though it takes fucking FOREVER to level up (as Lex reminded me last night). You would think they would have promoted my soldier during the two year break I took from the game, just based on time in service.
That, or a thousand grenades fly at you! Still like this game, though it takes fucking FOREVER to level up (as Lex reminded me last night). You would think they would have promoted my soldier during the two year break I took from the game, just based on time in service.

More like Demoted you to recruit lol
Thanks, Paul. Load this bitch back up and squad up with us. It is kind of funny to play and I like it almost as much as 2142.
I would love to but i need to buy a new CD as other one Got big crack in it