Counter-Strike: Source TBG Server MOTD.


Jan 29, 2018
Hello all! I'm a long time player of Counter-strike: Source. around 3k hours across 2 accounts and a Internet Cafe account back in middle school. Anyways. I see that the MOTD works but it doesn't lead to any rule set or anything, just the TBG website. Now while this is great, it doesn't give anyone specific rules to abide by.

What people see:

Here is what I think people should see when joining the server:

  • Absolutely NO Hacking. We do not tolerate Hacking and it will result in an instant permaban!
  • Absolutely NO Racism. We do not tolerate Racism and it will result in an instant permaban!
  • No Bunny-hopping or BHOP Scripts. This will be a 30 day ban on the first offense. Second offense will be permanent!
  • No Mic-spamming. This means playing music, yelling constantly, or having an open mic. Results of this will be a server mute for 30 minutes.

Rules are subject to change.

The rule-list above is something small and simple for players who join the server. However, this should be an actual forum post and have the MOTD linked to said post so it's the first thing players see, instead of our homepage.
To be fair, we don't recruit on CS:GO. It's just a server. I appreciate the feedback, but it's just a node at this point.