Couldn't Hurt to make one


Registered User
Jun 15, 2012
Hey my names Faron,

Started playing in April when I could afford to get the game, and went straight to Karkand (played mostly this map on BF2 when I first started in the BF series). Wasn't long till I ended up on TBG Metro where I got my first challenge against Balls, sixer, and Tcrenno. Since then I found that TBG is a good community with a lot of great people.

Atm I'm playing BF3, Diablo 3 (Auction Devil 3.0), and Reckoning. Been a BF fan since I played BF2 while working at a LAN center in High School. Enjoyed it until I started playing BF 2142, then I went from learning Nub to Re-gtfomyapartments-con on one of the maps. played CS until BF3 came out.

My favorite kits are Assault and Recon (Aggressive/urban Sniper) tho I'm going to get better with Engi and Support as well. I suck at Armors and Aircraft tho.. I can fly the Venom like a beast unless they have 20 thousand snipers with SOFLAMs aimed at me xD

A lot of people are happy with just getting a kill, but I strive for head shots no matter what weapon I have (Deagle Sniper FTW).
Nice to meet you, Welcome and enjoy the site :D

Think we might have to put you up against Renno as far as the Venom goes though :p
Thanks for the intro and welcome. I will be coming for your tags too :p
Welcome too the site. Be wary though Fast might be serious.. we all know how he likes his Meat.
Good to see someone else who strives for the headshots instead of taking the easy bodyshots. Ever want to snipe together just friend me on BattleLog - VengeanceUnbowed.