Considering whats next...



Has anyone considered what the next big multi-player game for these servers is going to be?
I mean - we are going to either get really sick of BF (as if were not there already) or we are going to install new games on the servers. Any ideas of what might happen.

Maybe i'll read a book.
Call of Duty 5: World at War and Far Cry 2 are possibilities.
We've been mulling that for a while, but 2142 is still working. I'm sure that'll take care of itself, let's just enjoy the present.
Far Cry 2's single player looks pretty 1337, but the multiplayer will most likely suck...

I tried crysis wars too and didn't like it...

Personally, I'm currently playing Test Drive Unlimited actually... a year and a half too late lol. Loved the demo and got the full for 6 bucks on ebay. Best purchase ever!

Doesn't require a dedicated server though, and I'm sure nobody else in the clan has it :-D
I was just watching youtube footage of the game. I didn't like the look of Far Cry. I wouldn't play it. Its like a mix of "Black" and "GTA puerto rico" (if there was a GTA puerto rico).
I would like to suggest a game that will be coming out in the future (although no official release date has been set), Natural Selection 2.

Natural Selection 1 is based of the HL1 engine so it's fairly old, but the gameplay is quite fun and interactive. NS2 should be quite a good game by the preliminary looks of it.
Oooo how about HAWX? That will have 8v8 multiplayer either coop or dogfight... should be fun.

I'm also highly looking forward to Mirror's Edge, but I'm not sure if it will have multiplayer and I'm pretty sure if it does it will be based on running and acrobatics more than gunning...