=CCCP= Killthem


Feb 17, 2009
This guys has been banned from our servers for cutting in line for the gunship. I believe I banned him twice after kicking him a bunch. He doesn't speak English that well which may be part of it. Just be advised that he does cut in line A LOT, and feel free to ban him if he keeps doing it.
Usually he follows the rules, I know him and he never did that when I was there. Oh well, there is always a beginning, and it is a basic rule.
And by the way sausage are good for your health ;B
The guy is a tool, I've had to kick him a zillion times for cutting.
yeah he rammed me alot the other day, threatened to kick him if he continued.

Beaver i heard you like sausages, you want mine?? =D
CCCP is cyrillic for USSR.

In Soviet Russia, gunship waits for you!

(that would also explain why he doesn't speak English - he's probably a Russian guy)
I don't like him. He just goes high when you hurt him a lil and have the advantage.
i have chat with him and yes he is Russian. yes, have had some minor issues with but after kicking him he stop. maybe he is testing the waters.

yes, beaver likes cannadian bacon with sausage.
he camped and rammed a few times last night. a couple of kicks later he stayed gone.
its boondizzles. he is the avatar that bind me to the mortal plane. much the same as "the crow"
Works for me, I had a ramming issue last week that I kicked him for. Didn't know that it was so common with him. I say we swing the almighty ban hammer!
For your info, the guy is not russian PBBans history, and we kicked him numerous times from our servers as well for the same reasons.

And we suspected he uses some form of gaming Viagra but his stats don't reflect that.

Anyho, a heads up on him
"And we suspected he uses some form of gaming Viagra but his stats don't reflect that."

So if he is able to game for more than 4 hours, he should consult a doctor? I really need to get access to a PBBans account so I can look at this stuff.