Call of Duty 5


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Get the game if you want, we will be getting our server populated tomorrow...I hope. It's 48 team deathmatch. If you looking for something to screw around with COD 5 is the best choice as well as left 4 dead.
Its like an extra sidekick for you guys to enjoy.
I hope to be getting both of them very soon. I am going to try to get one of them this week.
I have cod5 installed and ready... Nobody wants to play with me though... I hate the dogs. I feel panic when I start hearing them bark. Then they eat me to death! Wtf is that! LOL
Yeah that's one thing I didn't get while playing the beta...

Freakin stupid idea... random dogs at regular intervals that just kill you all over the place. Can you even kill them?!? They were incredibly fast when I played a couple of times.

The only thing that I really liked in COD multiplayer was the "kill cam"... pretty cool to be able to see how you got killed - great learning tool.