Bulgaria bus bomber identified as Swedish citizen released from GITMO in 2004


Registered User
Nov 16, 2010
The Bulgarian bus bomber who targeted a bus of Jewish youth was identified today as Medhi Ghazali, a 36 year old Swedish citizen who was held at Guantanimo Bay from 2002-2004 and released into Swedish custody after strong lobbying on his behalf by Swedish prime minister Goran Persson, Sweden declined to press charges upon his return. He was the subject of a Swedish documentary called "GITMO: The New Rules Of War " in which Ghazali was largely portrayed as a victim. Currently released GITMO detainees have a 27.9% recidivism rate, which is to say 27.9% of released detainees have returned to the battlefield or are suspected of having returned to the battlefield. I guess shitty game developers and worthless Peace prizes aren't the only thing coming from Sweden.


Blog: Bulgaria terror bombing suspect identified
Figures. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Is this the first released prisoner that was able to retaliate?
No he wasn't the first, roughly a quarter of all released GITMO prisoners have either returned to fight or are believed to be back in place with their organizations.