Ban Appeal


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Server name that you were banned on:
24/7 airmaps
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
maybe around nov 1st, its been awhile so i cant remember exactly
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: You have been perma banned for having an abnormal kill rate. (61,00kpd)
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thank you for reviewing may case, I do not cheat/hack and am a LONG time battlefield fan (played a decent number of hours on your bf2 server). I got the ban while gunning in the heli with a good pilot just fyi on how i had a high k/d
This is directed for members and/or guests. Do not respond to ban appeal threads. Any posts that comes from anyone else will have their posts deleted.
Bibilisk was asking about you, glad you decided to fill out the appeal.