Ban Appeal

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Registered User
Jan 21, 2012
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Server name that you were banned on: 24/7 air maps 1000 tickets
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
last night around 1:30 am
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
punkbuster auto ban
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
Any additional comments you would like to add?
dropped a soft "n word" while reciting a Kat Williams joke and was autobanned by PB, Im obviously new to BF3 and didnt know such was an offense. Most of my clan likes your server and I would love to get back to playing, I now know better. Thanks
This is directed for members and/or guests. Do not respond to ban appeal threads. Any posts that comes from anyone else will have their posts deleted.
You were banned for this:

[01.21.2012 00:02:38] ca4d60fdxxxxxxxx0c7609ed67 "1337vw" "96.2xxxxxx8:3659" Banning for Racial Slur!! nah nigga, as in DEAF... one hit of this and YOU CAN HEAR SHIT 1/20/2012 9:59:13 PM"

Joke or not, you shouldn't be using the n word on our servers.

Ban stays.
In my defense, I havent been playing on your server long and wasnt aware of your rules on language. Furthermore, the word in discussion wasnt directed to anyone and was certainly not a racial slur against anyone, it was after all a joke from a famous comedian. Id like to make the point clear that I did not call anyone a "nigga" and more importantly a "I am a spammer" which after all is the real racial slur, and which was never used. Also, how do YOU know Im not black?

I realize the ban will probably stay, but Id like to point out another serious flaw here - how can hackers go 40+ to 1 kdr on your servers while aimbotting and not get banned but Im instantly banned for foul language? Seems like Im being punished for jay-walking while there is obvious drunk drivers out there killing people.
We can't police our servers 24/7. If there is a hacker in our server, we do our best find them and ban them accordingly, along with the help of PBBans and our regulars/admins. You also report on our forums, not take matter in your own hands without any real solutions.

The fact is, you used a derogatory word, and you got banned for it. I don't see what the issue is. You shouldn't be using those words in the first place. Thread closed.
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