Ban Appeal


Registered User
Jun 7, 2011
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Server name that you were banned on:
TBG all maps server
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
unknown...i was flying chinese jet on midnight sun alternating between shooting down air assets and bombing forward units
Any additional comments you would like to add?
We have made a sticky for this as it bears needing to be repeated from time to time for new members and/or guests. Do not respond to ban appeal threads unless you are directly involved or supply information about the ban appeal.
MOBB it was my ban, after I looked at your PBBans records.
Then I Look at prior BAN on our website AFTER and realize you already went through that process.....and it was lifted.
So it is lifted again...
Sorry for the inconvenient, we try to be fast on hacker, and prefer to explained when we do mistake.....
See you on the server
no worries friend, I get looked at through a magnifying glass regularly no hard feelings :)