
Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
okay this happpened to me about a week ago and me and Rayzor were trying to figure out what happened... i was banned from the server at like 1am and nobody could figure it out.. so tonight i tried this again just to see if i could re create the same text that triggered the ban before... and it worked.. SHIT!!! good .. but not good.. anyway i typed in.. "time to spice things up a bit" and it banned me.. anyone got any ideas about this??

You were banned for a racial slur 'spic' combined with the word 'spice'. I'll remove your ban.
Your ban on Tampa has been removed. Do you know if your banned for 'spice' on any other servers?
whoa i barely had time to eat a gourmet tv dinner and its resolved!! thx soulzz !!! no other bans to speak of.. as you can tell i didn't even think the text had anything to do with it... maybe a server side glitch banning for that??

anyway thx again

I set it to ban for the word. The problem is, if you say Let's see, your very su'spic'ious, it will ban you. I'll see what I can do to prevent this from happening, as it seems to be just 2 that are doing this.
If you don't have one get a mic/headset and use voice chat. Then you can say anything, except racial stuff, and you won't get banned.