Aliens Vs Predator (2010) - another game which suffers from severe consolshitis?


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008
Kind of sad. I launched AvP demo which came out today, and I was severely disappointed.

The menu was actually OK and started without a title screen with "press enter" flashing like a lot of console ports do.

The first warning sign was the lack of many graphics options, as well as antialiasing adjustment support.

Then the big shits started hitting the fan.

Demo is online only.

Only option for a person to start the game: "quick match" which sends you into "searching for games" mode, which doesn't work 90% of the time (endless "searching for games" screen).

When you join a game, you're put into a console-style lobby with mics all stuck on on, without the ability to mute anyone.

Peer-to-peer (dedicated servers promised for full game though?!).

When the game starts, you don't choose a team or a class. Seems all auto-assigned.

Auto-assisted aiming (see "aimbot").

It is very very regrettable that this game is (as of now) yet another poor, shitty console port with no regard to PC gamers.

I have hopes that the full game might be a lot better, and will be watching closely - partly because of the dedicated servers promise, and partly because I hope the demo is some early build (they also promise full game will support DX11, demo only supports DX9).

The sad thing is, the engine and gameplay itself could've been quite awesome if everything was done right, but as it is right now - it's an epic failure. I am saddened by all the developers lately completely shitting on PC features which have been regularly implemented in games since the early 90's...

I wish all the 14 year olds would demand dedicated servers for consoles all at once and refuse to accept this shit as well... but we know this isn't going to happen.

Too bad.
The demo is supposedly is from pretty old code. Right now as it stands, the demo is p2p while the released version will definitely have dedicated servers. I played it a bit and find it pretty damned fun actually. Not perfect but hey what can you do. If you preorder on steam you get a copy of Universe at war as well.
Where did you DL it from? FilePlanet only has the game play vid. on that
The quickmatch right now is slightly broken, you hafta either go in with other people u already know and invite them from steam, or it takes about 10 mins to join a game
The quickmatch right now is slightly broken, you hafta either go in with other people u already know and invite them from steam, or it takes about 10 mins to join a game

Slightly broken? It's a fucking nightmare.

I'm not going to preorder it. I'll look at reviews or possibly check it out some other way before I decide to buy it. I can't stand it as it is.

Fucking no mute and aimbot (aim-assist whatever) in-game!? Fuck.

Like I said above, it's too bad because it seems like it might be a really fun game underneath.
They released a patch today which fixes the connectivity problems.

Now if they disable the aim-assist shit, I might actually buy it!!!

(they officially re-promised:
- dedicated servers
- server browser
in the final retail game)
Heat, do you think it's a game that TBG would get into?
Honestly... no.

If you like the AvP franchise, you'll like it. If not, you'll probably think it's a boring, oldschool game.