$5M Buys the Ride of Your Life

I'll be sure to pick that up. $5m isn't too bad at all. I mean you could buy a 747 for $15m at it's eos but hey its not a fighter jet now is it.
I think Honda has put out their $200,000 jets, or they are due soon.
if I had that kind of money, I'd buy an Extra 300S for ~$300k and have a lot more fun with it, while spending the rest on weed.
I swear I've seen them for sale for a lot less money. Like in the $400K-$500K range.
I would love to show my freinds that lol,

WTF is that!?

thats my fucking fighter jet!

Yeah, an ex-soviet union fighter jet for $5m may sound appealing, however I can guarantee this will happen to you if you bought one:



yee haw tom cruise!!!!