3 High-Tech Weapons that Don't Look the Part


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
It's better to be safe than sorry, or so the saying goes. While these high-tech weapons may not look (too) dangerous, they most certainly pack quite the punch. Continue reading to see more.

Shock Knife
The Shock Knife delivers up to 7500 volts but less than 1 milliamp. Activated at the touch of a button, it has four different modes: low, med, hi, and x. This gadget is made from an ultra durable polycarbonate blend and features a no-slip handle to ensure maximum grip.

Blast Knuckles
Brass Knuckles is a heavy duty stunner. First, it requires only 2 Lithium batteries to deliver 950,000V at the push of a button. Next, it fits snugly into your pocket, at 4-ounces. A safety switch and no-slip rubber casing, ensures that you don't accidentally shock yourself. Priced at $49.99.

If nothing else, the FMG-9 concept from Magpul is commendable for being one of the first weapons that can transform from a portable flashlight into a functional micro-submachine gun that consists of a Glock 17 slide and a Glock 9mm magazine.



that pistol/smg is pretty sweet, it would make a good side arm for a soldier
Functional Weapons in Disguise

Ring Pistol

With bullets smaller than a quarter, "The Ring Pistol" slides onto your finger and fires at the push of a tiny trigger. It may not pack a punch, but this mini weapon certainly gets the job done. Unfortunately, it's not available for purchase at this time.

Briefcase Gun

This briefcase machine gun is an ideal option for any military/law enforcement personnel who need to pose as civilians during special missions. Inside, you'll find an MP5K submachine gun that weighs only 4.4-pounds and is 13-inches long.
Is that an MP5SD? Kind of looks like one, with the exception of the hand grip on the front.
4 Out of the Ordinary Weapons

.22-Caliber Knife Gun

G.R.A.D. is a .22-caliber knife gun that holds five .22-caliber bullets in a revolver type loader and fires with at the pull of the trigger/handle.

Machine Gun Violin

Created by Wei Lieh Lee, this nifty violin sports a machine gun-inspired design, complete with trigger and magazine.

Camera Pistol

Here's a first: someone managed to attach a working camera onto this gun. That's not all, users can swap out the lenses for ultra zoom shots.

The Escopetarras: Gun + Guitar

The Escopetarras combines a guitar and gun into one device It was created by Cesar Lopez, who got the inspiration while noticing the similarities between his guitar and a rifle.