Recent content by PhoeniX0688

  1. PhoeniX0688

    Greenpeace getting manhandled by the FSB & Spetsnaz as of this moment

    I find myself agreeing with the Russians more and more every day.
  2. PhoeniX0688

    D.C. politics explained in 3:49

    You are a lost soul if you think it matters who gets blamed for this "debt limit" bs. I blame all the criminals in should you. This video seems to try and place blame on Congress. I dont give a fuck about some term called a debt limit or who started it and whose fault it is. They are...
  3. PhoeniX0688

    Some great bf4 news :D

    Love it
  4. PhoeniX0688

    Do you wanna break your wrist? Here...

    That would be a bitch to get shot with.
  5. PhoeniX0688

    New Battlelog Integration Trailer

    Are you going to buy this game?
  6. PhoeniX0688

    I need a new mouse

    love my G500...and you can find them for a decent price on ebay
  7. PhoeniX0688

    mouse feet suck?

    Then I recommend these mouse "skates"...I got them on ebay from Hong Kong, but they are bad mouse glides like its not even touching the pad. These are the hurricane skates for the G500 but they have skates for several different popular gaming mice. Hotline Games Logitech G500 Mouse...
  8. PhoeniX0688

    James Gandolfini is dead

    Damn, too young. RIP James "Tony Soprano" Gandolfini.
  9. PhoeniX0688

    Euro Truck Simulator 2

    If anyone is interested in buying this steam game, let me know. I have a 50% off coupon that I'm not going to use....First come, first serve.
  10. PhoeniX0688

    New BF4 trailer - "Angry Sea"

  11. PhoeniX0688

    Best rig I can get

    What is the best rig I can build for $1300?
  12. PhoeniX0688

    Small world makes my day, probably no one else will care.

    I ran into a buddy from back home in Kuwait. Didn't even know he had joined the military. He was with 10th mountain and I was 82nd...bumped into him at a chow line at Camp Buehring.....Best small world story I've ever had.
  13. PhoeniX0688

    Take off Go Around

    It was carrying five (5) heavy military vehicles positioned back-to-back. The rear vehicle broke lose in the steep climb and drove the tail downward causing a catastrophic stall. Unrecoverable. Its rumored that the last words to air traffic control was "Cargo shift".
  14. PhoeniX0688


    I play 5v5 competitive...great fun, but regular servers are boring to me.
  15. PhoeniX0688

    Age of Empires II HD

    This looks cool...I played the AoE series alot.