Tires, snow, common sense


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
I know in the UK & Benelux they're tremendous pussies about snow (4mm, school cancelled, permission to stay at home from work by law) and everyone drive with regular tires over ice which happens causes 30-car pileups and happens to be overly suicidal.

Over here, snow does not matter, unless the windchill is greater than -20, preschoolers dont stay at home, unless -30c with gale force winds, no worker has an excuse for staying at home. The snow piles get up to 2m tall and apparently no one gives a flying fuck as they're using heavily studded tires(police fine when there's not enough).

How is the situation in the US? Is your society as relaxed as in the "civilized part of Europe" or do you guys actually have common sense over there?
Tires, Snow... Rains lack of common sense demonstrated below:
Someone got smart and was like oh look the snow has taken your parking spot. Im like screw it whats that like 1 foot? Tire was off the ground and the Frame is actually touching the ice.

Tartu here is the issue, if a single kid is injured the school, the county school board (in US anyways) is fucked for not having closed. Its all the news will talk about. The families will sue and it will hurt the children more than the missed days because the money will come out of their education.

Over here a school bus got T Boned by a tractor trailer in mild fog. Now they close schools in that county for fog. The kids were okay the truck driver actually died of a heart attack.

As far as work goes, only in about 6 feet of snow when they declare an emergency and all unnecessary travel is 1000 dollar fine. I once drove a chevrolet cavalier through that kind of weather. But working in a warehouse with 80% of the medical records in the area is actually necessary travel during an emergency.
We get at least 85 inches(216 cm for you Euros) of snow a year. I think we can handle it here in NY.
We get at least 85 inches(216 cm for you Euros) of snow a year. I think we can handle it here in NY.

do the highways ever get like, stuck? not like pussy british stuck where theres a centimeter of snow on the road and everyone stop but like fucking clogged with snow that cars cant physically move and the national guard needs to use tracked vehicles to rescue people? (happened here last year)
do the highways ever get like, stuck?

If there is enough snow for me to drive overtop of you... I may consider it necessary.

I drove through a snow storm a couple years ago with no driver side wiper. I passed 19 wrecks, one of them I had to weave between 4 vehicles to continue on my trip. Almost got stuck about 5 miles into my 25 mile drive going up route 100 where they had yet to blow. Vehicle decided to slide across 4 lanes and instead of trying to bring it safely under control I decided to use the vehicles momentum to get me out of it. Worked and I made my way through some pretty nasty accident scenes.

The worse part was having of course was reaching out the window periodically to grab the broken wiper arm and clear off the windshield. RainX, heated RainX and the defroster helped a bit but not much.

I don't like to say I know how to drive through the snow... but I had a choice to stay at a house 3 miles from my work or drive the 25 miles home and dig out a parking space here. I don't regret making the hellacious the drive.
do the highways ever get like, stuck? not like pussy british stuck where theres a centimeter of snow on the road and everyone stop but like fucking clogged with snow that cars cant physically move and the national guard needs to use tracked vehicles to rescue people? (happened here last year)

We had one blizzard that hit during rush hour once. That was pretty bad because the cars got stuck on the skyway with no way off. Some people died in their cars. Volunteers did their best to rescue people from their cars using snowmobiles. The National Guard here doesn't really have any snow rescue vehicles and the only tracked vehicles around were Tanks really.

Btw heres some pics.

Blizzard of '77: (29 dead)



The October Storm:(19 dead)
This one was bad because it hit in october when the leaves were still on the trees. It came out of nowhere and had REALLy heavy wet snow that stuck to the leaves.



Fuck that! Remind me to add survival gear to the spare clothes I keep in the truck. Shit it gets as high as 77 no staying in the car, light the bitch on fire and stay near it until it burns out then trek my ass to the nearest gas station and light that on fire too screw the blizzard of 77!
shit, that october one must have been nasty.

over here they bought a bunch of these for weather issues, very nifty little things, amphibious as well. the funny thing is, the brits use these for an inch of snow to "rescue" people "trapped"

do the highways ever get like, stuck? not like pussy british stuck where theres a centimeter of snow on the road and everyone stop but like fucking clogged with snow that cars cant physically move and the national guard needs to use tracked vehicles to rescue people? (happened here last year)

Really depends on what part of the country your from, at least in the US. Most folks from the northern part and Canada are very adept at driving in adverse winter conditions. However in the south just the thought of snow will cause significant problems and closings.
Really depends on what part of the country your from, at least in the US. Most folks from the northern part and Canada are very adept at driving in adverse winter conditions. However in the south just the thought of snow will cause significant problems and closings.

I will illustrate Reds statement.

Snow in the north:

Snow in Texas:
021210_1408_SnowPanicin1.jpg everybody_panic_01.jpg
Top and bottom left pictures are actually from texas... but anyways.

Edit to add this:
And you know that one is fake because they did an apostrophe and its too high.
We had one blizzard that hit during rush hour once. That was pretty bad because the cars got stuck on the skyway with no way off. Some people died in their cars. Volunteers did their best to rescue people from their cars using snowmobiles. The National Guard here doesn't really have any snow rescue vehicles and the only tracked vehicles around were Tanks really.

Btw heres some pics.

Blizzard of '77: (29 dead)



The October Storm:(19 dead)
This one was bad because it hit in october when the leaves were still on the trees. It came out of nowhere and had REALLy heavy wet snow that stuck to the leaves.




Those were pics of the nys thruway if i remember correctly.
I have drove plow trucks for over 15 years and have never had a collision with another vehicle. I have slid off of hillsides, into ditches, and numerous other shit and had many Pucker Factors. Way to much carebear in society when it comes to weather. If you live in an area where its possible to get certain types of weather then you should be prepared for it. With that being said I am not sending my kids to ride the school bus if I look out side and there is 6" unplowed on the ground there is still school and the bus comes in 1/2 hr, I will drive them myself in a hr or 2 after all the retards have come and gone. In the - Deg Temp Ranges I send them to school the ones in elmentary school I teach them how to bundle up and dress approperatley. My morons who are teenagers and dont want to follow advice then can freeze there asses off.

Live and learn/observe from others or die a retard I teach them.
what is this snow you guys talk about its about 55f here.
Fuck that! Remind me to add survival gear to the spare clothes I keep in the truck. Shit it gets as high as 77 no staying in the car, light the bitch on fire and stay near it until it burns out then trek my ass to the nearest gas station and light that on fire too screw the blizzard of 77!

Everyone in northern climates should do the same. The survival gear part. A full set of winter clothes plus hand/foot warmers are the most basic. Extra snow scrapers and a shovel are beginner additions. Personally, since I drive I-90 fairly regularly, I have a full survival kit geared towards inclement weather and impromptu off-roading.
You know the saying. Snow, go slow. Ice, no dice. Here in Arkansas ( South Central U.S.A. ) it's a law if we get 1/4 inch ( .6 cm ) of ice you stay home and play video games. That of course is after you've bought enough bread and water to last you for six weeks and a $500 generator from SAM'S. Oh, and some milk too. It's hysterical!