If DICE really cared about the damn game then why won't they increase the level cap, or why didn't they make assignments part of getting the new weapons.....are they running out of ideas, are they lazy, or what the fuck?
they shoulda just kept 2142/2 ranking systems and been done with it...then add assignments after a year or so..
I like the changes to suppression, and spotting. I dislike the changes to minimum damage on all weapons being lowered. It feels like the hit boxes are pretty wonky now too. LMG's are almost worthless for run and gun now.
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So far I like the changes in the patch. UCAV kills 3 seconds at the start of a round was dumb. Run and gun LMGs were dumb. Spotting is better and less nub spam friendly. Lower min damage means your aim has to be better. The only change I didn't like like was making bolt-action rifles easy mode. I feel like DICE LA was trying to encourage more teamwork and less camping/annoying tactics overall and some things they helped and some things they didn't. Battlefield to me has always been about tactics and teamwork, and I feel these changes help that goal.