BF4 Rush Only - Autobalancer

I disabled team balance in procon but our procon app needs updating so the new option show up.

In the startup.txt here are the cvar that we have, I spotted no autobalance

vars.preset Normal
vars.maxSpectators 2
vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed true
vars.3dSpotting true
vars.miniMap true
vars.killCam true
vars.3pCam true
vars.regenerateHealth true
vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn false
vars.nameTag true
vars.hud true
vars.commander false
vars.forceReloadWholeMags false
vars.hitIndicatorsEnabled true
vars.alwaysAllowSpectators true
reservedSlotsList.aggressiveJoin true
vars.gameModeCounter 230
vars.roundTimeLimit 300
vars.soldierHealth 100
vars.playerRespawnTime 100
vars.maxPlayers 64
vars.vehicleSpawnDelay 50
vars.roundRestartPlayerCount 0
vars.roundLockdownCountdown 0
vars.roundPlayersReadyPercent 0
vars.roundPlayersReadyMinCount 0
vars.roundStartPlayerCount 4
vars.IsNoobOnlyJoin false
vars.SkillBasedBalance false
vars.friendlyFire false
This is the updated list I got it from:

But if it's not in the config there's no way it would be the reason the balancer is still on.

I'm assuming to add that var.autobalance false to see if it does anything would require a server restart. Don't really want to do that.

The only reason I'm pursuing this is because last night it was off for a bit. Might just be a script conflict or something. GG Dice.
i added as a false command, lets see what happens. Yeah it requires server restart so we will see tomorrow. I guess
Yeah I don't want to throw everyone off just to test a theory. I appreciate you looking at it! I'll report back tomorrow.
This is from the server admin document linked above...

This shows the options available for the different server presets modes (official/ Ranked / Unranked). Note in the official and ranked column only True is available vars.autobalance and True/False for skilled balance...

[Obviously TBG Rush is Ranked server, which means the var.autobalance setting must be 'True' which is why the setting is greyedout]

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^^^ So since TBG probably has no interest in changing the server preset to unranked (thank goodness), there is no option to change var.autobalance=False which why it is greyed out... But skillbasedbalance should be able to be turned off.

Erratic - before you signed into TBG on Wed at around 8PM EST , I contacted Fast, as the thread documents, and he turned off the skillbasedbalance, which fixed the annoying 'balancing sqaud based on skill' . So that is why the skillbasedbalance setting was off when you initially joined the server and you and everyone else were not getting the annoying 'balancing sqaud based on skill' msg. Then something happened, maybe Erratic's suggestion that when you (Fast) reset the chat commands it inadvertently defaulted the var.skillbasedbalance to true.
---- Additionally,if you read my initial post, I incorrectly asked Fast to basically turn off 'var.autobalance' (which we now know is the correct name for the setting), but he could not since it was greyedout as explained above. .

So, Forget about the var.autobalance setting, the var.skillbasedbalance setting is the culprit.
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I know, and it was turned off and then it got turned back on. This one right here:

The Dice skill based team balancer released with the patch was turned off originally when this thread was started. Later that night y'all re-added the knife, rank etc scripts. After that happened, the Dice balancer was back on and balancing in game. As of right now it is enabled on the server as you can see in my screenshot.

It was not turned off originally, but was turned off when you started playing on Wed. Trust me I played 3-4 rounds of defending in a row and several multiple consecutive defending rounds, which is why I reached out to FAST
CC: Erratic
So... Where do we stand on this issue?

The facts are when I initially contacted you about the balancing problem (Wed. 8PM EST) you changed the var.skillbasedbalance to False, which I can verify fixed the problem for 4-5 map rotations before I stopped playing. Then something happened between the time I stopped playing and 1AM Thurs. when Erratic reported the problem was back and battlelog showed the skill based setting was set to True.

So, have you tried anything to fix it since your last post, do you want suggestions? or would you rather I stop bothering you with problem on the one server TBG members rarely join.
Thanks - HS
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or would you rather I stop bothering you with problem on the one server TBG members rarely join.
Thanks - HS

Is this your attempt of being a little bitter? Not trying to be an ass but you've been down this road before I remember. Yes our members dont frequent this server does not mean we dont support it.

The only way this thing will for sure work is if I disable NORMAL preset. I wont do this because if it is set to CUSTOM it wont show up on battlelog often causing players to NOT see the server and NOT join. Again there isn't any other alternative until DICE fixes the issue allowing us to turn this off without affecting other things. I've reported this bug to our provider and I'm sure it will be reported to DICE.

I am not bitter at all about you or TBG, but on the contrary, I am so thankful TBG is hosting this sever... Sure not everyone in TBG prefers Rush, but there are some member that join time to time. I know you are managing 17+ servers which is certainly a lot of work and you have always been fair and attentive to server changes, which are typically requested server wide (meaning I am not contacting you for my own agenda).

I think you got the wrong impression about my last post, "or would you rather I stop bothering you with problem on the one server TBG members rarely join." The reason I wrote that line was not to be bitter since I know your time is split between 17+ servers and probably a full-time job, I was just trying to giving you a reason to blow me off or not respond to me..

You and TBG have the BEST Rush server in the World (no one comes close, including CMW, reVz, or ARP). I always try to make a point of thanking you and TBG whenever I contact you. Me bitter? No I am thankful for you guys and I only wanted to know if you needed additional data or suggestions or not....

As always Thank you,
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OK my apologies. That's what it sounded like. I just got laser eye surgery done yesterday so I'm still not out of the woods with the side affects.

As mentioned earlier I cant do anything at this time. We have to wait for dice to correct this issue with out negatively affecting other server settings.
not sure, maybe you can ask? But I doubt they will reply. Can you spot a normal server not hardcore that has that turned off and still keeping "normal" and not "custom"
not sure, maybe you can ask? But I doubt they will reply. Can you spot a normal server not hardcore that has that turned off and still keeping "normal" and not "custom"
Already asked them 4 days ago, no response. Haven't seen a non hardcore with it turned off
It's strange, you would think HC is more rigid in the settings that can be applied and remain a HC server. I have not checked the server notes but did anyone see a loophole.. I will check it out today if no one has looked.
"skill" rating is a load of shit. It's affected by KD ratio, use of vehicles, the moon, the stars, and probably pixie dust. There are no set rationale for skill ranking that I've ever found.
I disabled something called skilled based balancer. No idea what that does though.
"skill" rating is a load of shit. It's affected by KD ratio, use of vehicles, the moon, the stars, and probably pixie dust. There are no set rationale for skill ranking that I've ever found.


Here's how it is supposedly calculated:

Here's a thread addressing their shitty balancer:
The kicker? They validated it's effectiveness by how average winning and losing teams K/D ratios changed after a round of conquest on the PS4. You can't make this stuff up. (Near bottom of that page).

Here's a thread about the server update happening tonight:
While I have no expectations, my fingers are crossed that there will be a fix for their cancerous balancer.