Anyone got a toothache pain solution

yeah local dentist wont even touch the tooth ive heard from numerouse ppl hell take his money and send you to a specialist he did that to my boss about 6 months ago so he gave me the info for the specialist about an hour away gonna call there tomorrow see what i can figure out and he does take payments. also got some pinesillian however ya spell it from my mom and some amoxasillan from my sister they just had some issues and its whats left from what was givin for the infection so yeah. hopefully i can get the swelling down before my first vistit so i wont have to wait another 3 weeks. and yes i know you shouldnt take meds that arent perscribed to you but i know what they are and what they do and who they came from damn it. good thing tooth pain gone just swelling is still in the jaw area which i dont like at all
the reason they say not to do that is for allergic reactions....they would perscribe you the same shit as long as you arent allergic. Just keep your fingers crossed the specialist has enough room to pull it out, otherwise you might be looking at minor surgery to remove. My top two(wisdoms) were plucked out, my bottom two were impacted and had to be cut out :(. good ketamine prior too and good vicodins after surgery!
Google toothache garlic remedies. You would be amazed at how garlic can help with infections as well.