Zero Hour


Resident Frog Prince
Head Admin
Dec 4, 2017
A relatively new shooter has had a major update with animation overhaul. its basically an Indie R6 siege in a way. 5v5, tight shooting, weapon customization, slow/methodical tactical shooter. Its a ton of fun and on sale now for only $6 (normally $12). There is also a 5 player Swat style coop mode where the goal is to actually detain as many terrorists as possible, instead of the normal "shoot everything on the map" style game mode. This is not a twitch shooter. Teamwork and positioning are key to winning rounds. Cutting power as the CT actually matters, as they have NVG where Terrorists only have flashlights to illuminate the dark. The dark effects are top notch, which depending on the map can either be pitch black, or still illuminated by street lights. Give it a look if youre interested.
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You’re wife’s gonna whoop that ass