Why the super fast vehicle spawn on your CQL all-map server?


Registered User
Feb 4, 2015
Just curious why all of a sudden did it go to 25% vehicle spawn delay... I really liked the server when it was normal rules just a few days ago. Now I wont be playing as taking any vehicle strategy out of the game is just garbage. It really ruins the balance in my opinion.
thank your for your input. We are giving this new setting a trial run. It is not permanent as of now. Just seeing how it may balance/un-balance our servers. Again, thanks for taking the time and coming to the site
Thanks for the reply. My reason for not liking vast veh spawn is because the effort you take to destroy a piece of armor is basically worthless in the end. And all tactics with armor go out the window as you can waste all your assets as you please. And on vehicle heavy maps, infantry just get ripped apart all game long without a breather.
Just my 2
I too am not a big fan of this. I see it from both sides. I am a vehicle person and to give me a vehicle non stop I'm sure is annoying. And on the other side being infantry having a vehicle come at me over and over without hardly a break between is annoying. It's hard to replenish ammo (rpg's, mines, slams, c4, etc.) and keep up with the amount of vehicles there are with no cool down. There is no strategy or tactics involved especially on these big maps with 64 players. Another problem now is assets are being wasted more. There is more jet ramming and taxiing. Please reconsider this decision. #2 Ranked on TBG CQL All Conquest Maps. 32D+ connection time. Thank you.
as stated its a trial thing not perm. we do appreciate the feed back form our regs for sure lets us know what some of the population thinks