Why do you like the mode you like in Bad Company 2?


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008
So, I've noticed that hardly anyone plays conquest in BC2. While I personally think this is ubergay (I'll explain why), I wanted to gather opinions on what mode you prefer in BC2 and why. I'm just interested in what people like.

Please keep the posts to the following "template":

My preferred mode: Conquest, occasional Rush, exclusive Normal

What I think about the modes:

"Difficulty:" (Hardcore/Normal): Personally, I like normal because of the spotting and minimap. Taking that away takes the game a huge step forward from playing as a squad/team, to playing as a bunch of lone wolves. Reducing the health is alright, but it's not desirable to me either for several reasons. For one, one-shot sniper kills anywhere, and the "communication darkness" which makes their position even more obscure, make the sniper-class too appealing and promotes glitching and n00bing helicopters to "glitched" map places such as on top of normally unreachable mountains/ridges/etc. Also, having little health promotes taking cheap, random, "BS" shots without really having good control of your aim and removes the mechanic "running for cover when you get shot" which I personally like. I don't mind damaging someone and not killing them when they run back for cover, because to me that's part of the desirable "tension" of battlefield, and part of the tactics of controlling an area. The game also rewards you extremely well points-wise for damaging people when they get finished off (especially by your squad which promotes squad-play). I'm not talking about realism here. I think the game is about as realistic as the movie "Bambi" is even with "Hardcore" on (take for example the idea of entering a tank instantly, repairing a tank to "full health" by poking it in the back with a drill while it's being shelled by RPGs on the front, or the idea of "health" on vehicles to begin with). I'm talking about enjoyment, a.k.a. fun.

Like: I think it is the mode which offers the most opportunities for tactics and strategy. There are usually multiple spawn points (squad, flags, base), and danger can usually come from all directions due to the nature of the mode. If you decide to "assault", you can assault through at least a 180 degree area (if not more), and offers the least "linearity" - all things which I like. Plenty of vehicular gameplay usually, which I also like.

Dislike: Some maps only have a LT, and while it's fun, it gets boring sometimes, and you're SOL if it's occupied. Only 2 maps for flying, on one of which the RU chopper is absolute shit and is CONSIDERABLY worse than the US chopper (another easily-fixable issue which I'd love to have some quality time with DICE employee(s) about). Some maps can get you "choked" in your base if the team sucks enough.

Like: Simple gameplay - very straightforward. Blow up two objectives. Plenty of action and usually you know where all the people are coming from. Sometimes it really is a "rush" if you're attacking and doing well, being revived, etc. Can be frantic! Sometimes offers a refreshing change in pace from conquest, and sadly more maps/map area than conquest offer more variety (you can tell that "rush" was the "leading" mode in the game development cycle).

Dislike: Simple gameplay - gets boring. CHOKE POINTS ARE CHOKED BEYOND CHOKING WITH A CHOKE. Some maps literally have a 15-foot area which needs to be crossed to get to the objective (Port Valdez comes to mind), and when that's camped by 16 people... well, you know what happens: meat-grinder time. VERY predictable approach paths making assault very painful (literally). Defending can be EXTREMELY painful with a bad team, and you can't pick a different objective - you're stuck "in the rut." Very favorable to snipers as far as KDR, because of predictability of approach paths and therefore easy camping. Makes playing other classes unrewarding as far as KDR. Objectives are n00bed 90% of the time on pub servers, which ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS the point of the mode and makes me want to have some quality fisting time with the DICE employee(s) responsible for these decisions. Take your pick from the following: drop RDX heli, drop RDX UAV, drop RDX jeep, drop RDX quad, drop RDX IN PERSON while suiciding, tank/LT shelling from the spawn point until objective blows up and tank can't be blown up because it's too high and/or being repaired by 5 people, objective inside a collapsible building (who THE FUCKING SHIT FUCK ASS thought this up) and blows up on collapse... and of course my two favorites: "teammate" blows up own objectives, and (tada) boat hidden in unreachable area (literally can't be tagged or blown up) shells objectives and general spawn area the whole round. Such boat positions exist in Valparaiso and Isla Culpables... err Innocentes that I know of. Teams also often ignore people staying behind them and sniping them in the back and will rush forward to their loss. Generally I experience extreme rage at least once per round due to poor mapping and mode design decisions. Case in point: first stage of Port Valdez attacking team has the height advantage, vehicular advantage (a tank), and spawn points are literally out in the open for sniper ownage for the defending team - EXTREMELY disadvantageous for the defending team. In the final stage though, the defending team has the height advantage, AND a chopper. The height advantage alone makes it almost impossible to cap even with below-average teams (the defending team has to be FUCKING TERRIBLE to win), and a chopper on top of that for the defending team? Really? In my opinion, Port Valdez Rush especially is THE WORST experience in BC2, which is what turned me off sharply during the beta, and made me take a while to warm up to the game afterward.

Squad Rush:
Haven't played it enough to form opinions.

Squad Deathmatch:
Like: Fast kills, can offer a change of pace sometimes.

Dislike: Short rounds, fast pace, no strategy or tactics to speak of ("we're gonna hold this corner of the map" = lol, really), attacks can come from all directions, due to random spawns. The mode is generally EXTREMELY unrewarding to gaining position, establishing control of an area, etc., due to the fact that when you do, some guy spawns behind you and LULZes you with a knife, while another who spawns on him as he knifes you, HOTCARLs your teammates. No vehicular gameplay. There is a LT from what I've seen, but that is usually n00bed after 1-3 kills with RDX, due to the EXTREMELY small maps. Perhaps they should make a "HOTCARL" mode using SDM with 32 people and explosive weapons only inside a single 2-story building for the ultimate LOL. This is not battlefield. This is COD and CS:S DM, topped with a HOTCARL.

Overall thoughts: As you can see, I enjoy vehicular combat (which itself requires larger scale), taking control of an area, and methodically pushing forward, tactically, while I generally dislike fast-paced "who shot first around the corner" encounters and general "choke point," predictable mechanics, as well as modes which allow spawns which negate controlling an area.

Edit: Added "Hardcore/Normal" opinions.
Ok well ill try to keep to the format.

Preferred mode: Conquest Normal

im not gonna explain what i like about each mode. reason i dont play conquest anymore is because i only play TBG servers. and since we have no conquest anymore i play what we have. But out of conquest i do prefer atacama over any other map although i havent played port valdez much. i like to have choppers in the maps.
BTW, someone feel free to repost or link from the EA forums (preferably UK); we might get some traffic from there.

Oh, and Port Valdez is still a terrible conquest map, and I only like it because of the choppers, AND because of the fact that you actually see shit in the RU chopper. The same terrible chokepoints still happen on the ground, and the GAYDS (VADS) is the worst weapon design I've ever seen in a battlefield game so far, as far as balance goes - featured only on Port Valdez and Atacama Rush exclusively I think (as if playing Port Valdez in itself isn't bad enough).