[BF4] What's Up With This Ping Tolerance?


Registered User
Dec 31, 2022
First off I have no ill will against the users mentioned in this post, they are just examples of a larger issue.

Currently I have no idea what the ping limitations are for the server, but from what I've seen and experienced it's probably too generous. On average I'd estimate high ping players at minimum make up about 20% of the players on the server at any given time. This can vary greatly depending on the time of day since most high ping players are experiencing high ping because they are not playing on a server in their region. When playing with such a large amount of high ping players it causes gameplay experience issues, which typically benefit players who have faster reaction times or defend choke points. I assume most people probably have experienced getting shot around corners or dying almost instantly after a player confronts you.

Here's a break down of ping difference, if a player with high ping jumps around a corner they will see you before you see them. If they then return to cover you will still see them even after they can't see you. This situation goes both ways though since if you have a low ping and jump around the corner you will see a high ping player before they see you and they will see you after you can't see them. On a map like Metro where you're constantly jumping in and out of cover these issues become very annoying for both parties. In my experience of playing at a typical low ping of 30-60ms I can say playing at a high ping with an aggressive playstyle is way easier. While working I have a ping that varies greatly, but is typically high (maybe 200) and I receive all the usual on screen network warnings. While having a high ping I am able to jump out of cover and easily win 90% of confrontations, don't have to worry about my disadvantage of being shot after covering since they are already dead especially if I'm using a weapon which deals high single shot damage like an 870 MCS. On the other side of things I can defend choke points at medium range and when people push I can kill them even though they may have gotten to cover on their screen. Now have multiple people doing this exact thing and it makes for a pretty shitty experience. This video here demonstrates the effects of ping difference quite well.

What is the ping limit? Why is it obviously high enough to give a clear advantage in multiple situations? What is stopping players from manipulating their connection (VPN, Network Limiter) to gain an advantage? If it's for inclusivity can you configure the ping limit to vary based on peak hours?

TLDR; High ping in combination with BF4 netcode makes a bad time for others depending on how you play.


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I have to agree, the ping tolerance is bad, I have a photo on my pc not phone but I'll post my support later though.
The ping limiter is not a hard kicker.

It will average out a players ping after X number of checks. If it's still high it will kick.

It also is changed on certain off hours so it allows players from other countries to play.

We've been doing it this way for many many years.
The ping limiter is not a hard kicker.

It will average out a players ping after X number of checks. If it's still high it will kick.

It also is changed on certain off hours so it allows players from other countries to play.

We've been doing it this way for many many years.
Do you know what is considered "high ping" and what the "off hours" are? Shouldn't that be posted so others would know when they're able to play if that's the system in place?
No need to post them. Haven't has the need to. It hasn't been an issue.

The hours are typically like 4am-11am eastern time. So nothing that most would encounter.

I don't recall what our limit is set to. But I assure you we spent a lot of time fine-tuning it to make it work for everyone.
TLDR; High ping in combination with BF4 netcode makes a bad time for others depending on how you play.
oh only if u really knew how its in the reality, u would wish everyone to have high ping and u being the only player with low ping, high ping = easy kill, its not the other way around, call me noob :) but if I were the only player with low ping on the server full with "high pingers", everyone for me would be like bots with bad reaction time, but that would be boring, but kinda nice to do headshots, i had some games like that doing 80% headshots with assault.

with a high ping, u have bad delay meaning u are playing in the "past" while everyone else with low ping is playing in the "future", if the high ping meet the low ping, by the time that the high ping start to shoot, the high ping is already dead, unless at that time the low ping fucke up or have a really bad reaction time, oh maybe u have a device with high input delay combined with a non gaming monitor, some times u are just shooting something in the frame that u are seeing that just is not there, it already moved, so it will take more shots to register because even though u may have a low ping, u for sure is not hitting the real position of the player in the server side, this is not a bad korean game where it only detects client side, it goes both ways, server wont register if u are already dead for the server, everyone have this illusion that the higher the ping the more u have to shoot to kill the high ping, it does not work like that and most of the time its an excuse for your own mistake or u just dont know stuffs and repeat what everyone says.

Playing with 15ms I never had a problem killing some1 with 200ms, I fucking instant kill them, unless i fuck up and miss some shots, but its entirely possible to play with that high ping, but most of these players will go negative as infantry, if they are doing well at 200ms, u better pray to do not meet the same person at 20ms.
oh only if u really knew how its in the reality, u would wish everyone to have high ping and u being the only player with low ping, high ping = easy kill, its not the other way around, call me noob :) but if I were the only player with low ping on the server full with "high pingers", everyone for me would be like bots with bad reaction time, but that would be boring, but kinda nice to do headshots, i had some games like that doing 80% headshots with assault.

with a high ping, u have bad delay meaning u are playing in the "past" while everyone else with low ping is playing in the "future", if the high ping meet the low ping, by the time that the high ping start to shoot, the high ping is already dead, unless at that time the low ping fucke up or have a really bad reaction time, oh maybe u have a device with high input delay combined with a non gaming monitor, some times u are just shooting something in the frame that u are seeing that just is not there, it already moved, so it will take more shots to register because even though u may have a low ping, u for sure is not hitting the real position of the player in the server side, this is not a bad korean game where it only detects client side, it goes both ways, server wont register if u are already dead for the server, everyone have this illusion that the higher the ping the more u have to shoot to kill the high ping, it does not work like that and most of the time its an excuse for your own mistake or u just dont know stuffs and repeat what everyone says.

Playing with 15ms I never had a problem killing some1 with 200ms, I fucking instant kill them, unless i fuck up and miss some shots, but its entirely possible to play with that high ping, but most of these players will go negative as infantry, if they are doing well at 200ms, u better pray to do not meet the same person at 20ms.
