What yall buying now a days? 2015v

What games are you looking forward to in 2015?

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Sep 20, 2013
With hardline being a hit and miss with many people Im just curious on what everyone is excited about. I would like to find some games we can all get together and play instead of the usual bf4 or h1z1. Many like Star citizen but being a ETA of 2016 there has to be some kind of filler you guys are buying. Vote and post anything suggestions or comment on other posts.
GTAV. I finally see a GTA I can get into again. And being able to online coop stuff is right up my alley.

MKX. I lived and breathed MK as a kid. The last one was amazing. Fatality.

Just Cause 3. Just... Cause. Also the Hook.
I just can't find anything fun anymore. I loved all the bf titles, but I've lost interest in them until bf5. Ultima Online had me for over 10 years and then WOW for 6+. I just wish I could find a fun mmo that doesn't take a year of grinding to get into the fun of the game. I've considered trying out Combat Arms again. I played that game for a few years off/on.
Next games on my list

PC: Killing Floor 2 - Toxikk (already Have) - SC2 Legacy of the Void (COME OUT FASTER DAMIT!!!) - Obduction (GET HERE NOW!!! I WANNA PLAY!!!)
Console: Mirrors Edge 2
I'll play GTA V and I have the biggest raging boner for The Division can't wait for that fucking game !
I'll just be getting GTA V, loved it on the 360 and it's good fun with a group online.