Video: Battlefield 3/4 Metro Map - how to get into the 3rd floor "Party Room"


Registered User
Feb 11, 2013
Hi, I made a quick video, not super quality but good enough to make the point in showing how to get to each of the 3 "Party Rooms" aka 3rd Floor on the Metro Map.

Definition of a Glitch -
A place on a map that you can deal damage to an opponent from that is a place on the map where others can't kill you but you can kill them when shooting. A glitch can also be a place where neither you nor an opponent can take damage eg. In a ceiling. Lastly, an object may be glitched in an area where you can't kill it. Like a spawn beacon in a wall.

The 3rd Floor on Metro Map in Battlefield in each of the 3 buildings is allowed on TBG BF3 and BF4 servers. It is FairFight accepted and you will not be kicked by it. You can die on the 3rd Floor therefore it is not classed a glitch by TBG but a fair game area of the Metro map that anyone can access.

TBG members refer to the 3rd floor area as the "Party Room" because when you are up there, with stealth cunning you can cap the flag and surprise your opponents.

This is the long in layman's terms video version, feel free to skip ahead.

If you have any questions please ask below and excuse the accent ;)

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Nice Avery.

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