To all the "guest(complainers)" that come on these forums....


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
.....and want to politely sugar coat their "admin complaints"(majority I have read about hypocriticism and the rule violations being abused by admins)
Ask yourselves afore you post any softcore trash talking(which is a poor attempt at being tactful), "Did I actually take time to read the in game scrolling rules? Do I actually have the patience to wait in line? Did I ask the "Air Whores"(no offense, I am one) if they mind if i take next vehicle spawn?(99.99% of the time, if you ask, or call dibs on next spawn and actually one will care) Did I make an ass out of myself in game chat?(Complainers beware: ADMIN HAVE CHAT LOGS!!!!!)...etc etc...Before any guests come on here talking nonsense, read the rules ON THIS FORUM(you took time to register, mite as well take time to read the actual rule list afore posting). Anywho...nuff said! Guests! And would be complainers about admin-----Do YOU know how much time it takes out of YOUR game to try and square stuff away while us smurfs play, and bitch, and whine, and talk shit, and kill, and hack, and cheat???? NONE!!!!!!! ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRO!!!!!!!!!!! why? THE ADMINs DO IT FOR YOU! So cut them some slack....If you feel they made a mistake, suck it up, make a note and come to the forums and PM some of the head admin or make a sincere post on it, not condescending, or whinning. If you try to have it resolved in game, 50-50 chance the admin will have a short fuse cuz THEY ARE TRYING TO HAVE FUN JUST LIKE US!!!!!!!!!

Oh yea, one more question to ask yourself, "Did I disrupt game play(by spamming chat, or waste friendly assets, or sit in a vehicle where assets spawn); and was I disrespectful or in any way 'COULD' be interpreted as disrespectful?"

P.S. All Admin assume you have read the rules or ALREADY KNOW THEM....EOF(escalation of force)...Scrolling rules is most likely considered a verbal warning, an @kill/@kick is your warning shot, @ban(albeit temp or perma) Is your headshot. If you want to repsawn, DONT BE A DICK WHEN APPEALING!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice post. In my many years of PC gaming (24 years) and admining. I have come to the conclusion that "these people" will never understand. They're in there own little word of "my shit don't stink" and think everyone owes them something. You can give them all the heads up you can and they will still cry admin abuse.

Out of all the admin's I've come across in PC gaming. You will not find a better group then what you see here today. Even with all this awesomeness. We will never get their respect. Nor seek it out. There are more level headed player out there and we try our best to give them the gaming environment they thought never existed and the home they thought they would never find.

Your post is what runs through every TBG's mind. Every time we kick/ban some one. It's like fighting a war with in a war and the enemy is a little snot nose punk. That thinks he's god because he can hide behind his monitor.
Uh, you know there is an emote for TBG, very first emote on the list ;)

Ive never had Admin duties, and since BF1942, I've seen some ups and downs with servers' admins. Very rarely have I seen the dedication TBG(Admin/Members/Smurfs) put forth in regulating rules(Smurfs reporting panzies trying to push shitballs up hill) and general peace keeping. Not trying to blow smoke up anyones' arse or breaking out knee pads in any fashion, but I can honestly speak for all the care-free, fun loving, bad guy killing (and yes getting bent over MOAR than twice by your Air Whores)Smurfs(all TBG servers) that we ALL frequent them, and will continue to come back because of the NO TOLERANCE for Panzy ass FuckTards of the Admin of TBG keeping the shit rolling downhill(the way its meant)!
My props to you Admins on the hard work while trying to fuck us Smurfs up at the same time!

From all the loyal TBG Smurfs: Much respect, and im confident the Smurf Squad is big enough and dedicated enough to TBG servers that if TBG Admin took a week off, you would have prolly a hunnerd(give or take) of reports to investigate of all the fucktards trying to pull one over on the masses that jes wanna tear shit up!

Anywho...guess what I'm trying to say(you all prolly already know): A few cheaters/hackers/bitchers/moaners/gripers/ and yes Bleeding ass tampon wearing panzies aren't going to affect the popularity of TBG servers, and your invading numbers of Smurfs(and free kills) will continue to grow as long as TBG Admin stays diligent and low drag when responding to reports on forums, and in-game(albeit annoying as fuck 50% of the time)! Keep it up gentleman!!!

In fine print below the description of Feed Back and Gripes n Groans Forum Discussion, you should post this thread. Mebe the "finger pointers" would think twice afore posting stupid shit! Naw....and I KNOW! If i get a kick outta reading some of the complaints, you guys eat that shit up after turning on the grill smasher! Nothing like making someone feel like a douche as you make them hold your pocket with just replies to their naive, targeted, and a couple passive aggressive(panzies hiding behind the interwebs cant even speak their mind)complaints, WITHOUT even breaking out evidence from the server logs!
Sheesh, would get moar respect from me(and possible forgivenss) if they were to come out and say it instead of being 10year old tattle tales that cant absorb an @kill @kick and wanna point fingers instead of question themselves for possibly breaking a rule!(Sorry Blu3rang3r for TVing you in the Armoured Shield RU base the other week while you were trying to get your chopper crew squared away.)
Roon(whatever the rest of his name is) was calling everyone hacker everytime he was killed last night.
If you're not getting Hackcused at least once per session, you're not playing the game right. I take the accusations as a complement and think nothing more of it. It's like playing poker with the whiney little muppets... Once you put them on tilt, you own them.