temp bann?


Registered User
Dec 22, 2009
Hey, can i get some info as why i keep connecting, and PUNKBUSTER kicks me, only your server, my punkbuster is up-to-date.

But it doesn't say anything as to why..

So maybe you can fill me in on what happened? maybe a ban or a temp ban
i didn't use any glitches...hacks..cheats, so i know its not for that...

maybe i got shot...and lost control of the plane, crashing into an admin?
i don't know..

Its a nice Server, just trying to get back in there and play...as soon as i can.


soldier: Lt.NosTraDomus
incident..several days ago..

Reason: unknown.
hey, turns out its my Clans Name, thats the culprit, VECS, and i placed a file with the name..info in there, on the Bf2142 folder, so in case windows crashes its there...any way..thats funny, i wonder if my other clanners will get banned? lol

funny vids especially the one on the bottom
Actually PBB doesnt ban tags. IDK what you are thinking, but you were caught by pbb for using a 3rd party application for the game. That has nothing to do with the tags you wear.
...that or u were trying to overwrite vector settings in wnx64 maybe(i.e. aimbot)
i know that, the application, isnt anything but a .ini file, which is a SOON to be clan..i dont wear those tags..yet, but ive compiled a list and contact info.

"MD5Tool Mismatch: 2142-vecs.ini (len=32) "

see, thats my clans name,lol
...that or u were trying to overwrite vector settings in wnx64 maybe(i.e. aimbot)

i have win7 x32..

i hate aimbots, i despise those hackers..cheats..punks..i can understand, in singleplayer, beating the game to get a cheatcode to unlock a map, but what they do online with multiplayer servers is ridiculous.

i have the same file in my OLD mechwarrior 3 game folder, ibut i labled it.
then i copied it over to my BF game folders, and renamed it...


ill grant remote access to disprove all that , aimbot crap. i hate it.
u don't need to appeal to me - i'm not sure what u did. I just saying that to a 3rd party observer, it looks like you were changing vector settimgs in the game config.
Hopefully PBBANS will have this resolved for you shortly. Good luck.
i know i dont have to appeal to this server, since its PBBANS,

just want to clear the air, and let the admins of the server understand i DO NOT support using aimbots...or other hacks, especially in games, it ruins the fun and overall experience

i have to much fun WITHOUT any such hack(s) to want to even think of using them

so im just putting my point out there, that despite my clan contact iniTIATION file or .ini for short, i dont want to pop into a server, especially one of yours, and an admin sees me, and suggest after he sees me when a fight with another soldier, b/c i have armor and more accuracy, thinks since i was banned prior, im must be cheating again...
just dont want anyone assuming im using this aim bot, or anything for that matter.

So thanks for your info.

no need to post a reply to this anymore so i wont.
thanks for your help,ill just work it out with
happy holidays
thanks guys...
i LOVE that image, heres the sequel to that, http://fapit.net/v/1241/always.gif.html

i got an email from PBBANS, Ace helped out,send him my files..

PBBans Ban Appeal - GUID:686253b71a44370b4d8d1af7b1c0ddf4‏
From: PBBans.com (mailbot@pbbans.com)
Sent: Tue 12/29/09 11:35 PM
To: ***********@hotmail.com

This is an automated message and you will recieve no response should you reply to this e-mail.

Your ban appeal for the guid 686253b71a44370b4d8d1af7b1c0ddf4 has been approved and your ban lifted.

An unban command has been sent to all PBBans Hub servers. Others will have to be updated by the server admin."

sweet. cya on the BF...if your -5GMT
Congratulations! It's good to hear you got that resolved. Hopefully, we'll see you on the servers soon.

BTW, PBBans is showing your account as clean so you should not have any problems logging on with any BF2142 server.
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i don't know dude, your primary bf2 guid is banned from pbbans. And on top of that you have many linked guid bans. When i say many i mean 7-8. Definitely got issues here.
i don't know dude, your primary bf2 guid is banned from pbbans. And on top of that you have many linked guid bans. When i say many i mean 7-8. Definitely got issues here.

yep i know...if you can see the actual Names associated with that account, youll see IPs not from US, i got one for, the speed glitch, where you set your scrollmouse as throttle, it was popular is BF2 DuneBuggy Racing Mods, but i forgot to disable the MOD which also unlocks weapons, so we could use that engineer wep, and got stuck with a admin ban, but it got updated. left that game alone for a while, come back and my CD-KEY got hacked...most likely a Cd key Generator....nice, hu?

I was going to buy a NEW BF2 cd, from walmart ..etc its hard to find...
i told Pbbans this, i guess they dont care for that...

But, i got my BF2142 unbanned, thankGawd...so thats all that matters.
cya on the servers

Going to play some Crysis, with that Back to the future mod, its sweeet! in a couple hrs friends will be online and we can go on your servers.

thanks for the support guys.
"i have to much fun WITHOUT any such hack(s) to want to even think of using them"

yea hacks... but that glitch was a MOD, that stupid speed glitch was allowed and the unlocker was also a profile glitch, they were only used in those type servers....it still remained after i uninstalled it..so i had to uninstall the whole game..to start fresh.
i still stand to say, i have fun without such hacks...as that aimbot, that i was wrongfully banned for, and later lifted by pbbans.

it was a mod. do i use it?..no, have i used it since then?...no.
since 1.5 came out those glitches have since been patched.
Beaver, that girl's tits are fucking sweet and she is very cute imo, but I'm pretty sure she is a minor...

Chris Hansen is watching you! (In Soviet Russia, you're watching Chris Hansen? Lulz.)