[BF3] team balance issue


Registered User
Feb 4, 2020
Hi, First off I'm a noob so forgive me for trying to clarify your policy on team balancing, numerous times I have been balanced out to the loosing team near the end of the game even when I was in first place and started the game from beginning, sorry no screenshots, I will be on a team that has built a good squad and get moved out and even killed in action by the server. I believe it is a huge insult to a person and their stats to be pulled from a game that one worked hard to get to a level especially when it breaks up a good squad in a close game with less than 100 tickets left. Today I had it happen 3 times and it makes me simply quit playing as do others. I do know that someone is paying for the server and want to thank them however this is my biggest pet peeve other that level 100 players wiping out the map full of noobs to get ill gotten points on the noob server , but that is another issue.